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来源:网络2018-10-08 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦


  Amid the sooty London fog of the mid 1800s, John Stuart Mill was a rare feminist. His most famous work, “On Liberty”, championed “giving full freedom to human nature”, yet it was his essay, “The Subjection of Women”, ten years later, in 1869, which argued that “the sheer fact of birth” should not dictate the rights of an individual.



  By then his wife and creative inspiration, Harriet Taylor Mill, had been dead for 11 years, having succumbed to a lung illness. The two had met secretly for years when she was married to another man, though whether the commingling was physical as well as intellectual is only speculation.


  The question of her impact on Mill’s writings is also unclear. A feminist tract that appeared nearly two decades before “Subjection”, called “The Enfranchisement of Women”, first appeared under Mill’s name but was reprinted later under the name of “Mrs Stuart Mill.” Today there is general consensus that Harriet was the primary author.


  Her influence has been the subject of intense academic arguments for years. Recent scholarship culminated in a substantively revised entry in the “Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy” in August. The editor, Dale Miller of Old Dominion University in Virginia, analysed Mill’s three most famous works and—with the equanimity of a sage and delicacy of a diplomat—came to a balanced view.

  多年来,她的影响一直是激烈的学术争论的主题。最近的奖学金于8月份在“斯坦福大学哲学百科全书”中进行了实质性修订。编辑,弗吉尼亚州Old Dominion大学的Dale Miller分析了Mill的三部最着名的作品,并且与一位圣人和一位外交官的精致平等 - 得出了平衡的观点。

  Mr Miller concluded that her greatest contribution was probably to turn Mill’s attention to a set of progressive ideals which she was passionate about: socialism, women’s rights, individual liberty and a “utopian” view of humanity’s improvability.


  However, according to Mill himself, Harriet’s influence was profound. He credits his wife with playing a major role in his most celebrated works. “The Principles of Political Economy” in 1848 was “a joint production with my wife”, he wrote. Later, Mill claimed: “like all that I have written for many years…[“On Liberty”]…belongs as much to her as to me.” And he nodded towards her true authorship of “Enfranchisement,” noting: it was “hers in a particular sense, my share in it being little more than that of an editor and amanuensis”.然而,根据米尔本人的说法,哈丽特的影响是深远的。他认为他的妻子在他最着名的作品中扮演了重要角色。他写道,1848年的“政治经济学原理”是“与我妻子共同生产”。后来,密尔声称:“就像我多年来所写的一样...... [”论自由“] ......对她来说同样属于我。”并且他对她的真实作者“Enfranchisement”点了点头,并指出:它是“特别是在她看来,我在这方面的份额仅仅是一个编辑和一个人的“。

  Richard Reeves, author of “John Stuart Mill: Victorian Firebrand,” a sweeping and sparkling book, describes Mill as having a “lifelong mission to deify Harriet”. Yet Jo Ellen Jacobs, author of “The Voice of Harriet Taylor Mill”, argues that Mill did not give Harriet enough credit. Contemporaries who knew Harriet were often less admiring. Thomas Carlyle, one of the most important social commentators of the 19th century, opined that she “was full of unwise intellect, asking and re-asking stupid questions”.理查德·里夫斯(Richard Reeves)是“约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒(John Stuart Mill):维多利亚时代的烙印”(Victorian Firebrand)的作者,这本书描述了米尔的“终身使命,以神化哈丽特”。然而,“哈里特泰勒米尔之声”的作者乔·艾伦·雅各布斯认为,穆勒并没有给予哈丽特足够的信任。认识Harriet的当代人往往不那么钦佩。托马斯卡莱尔,19世纪最重要的社会评论家之一,认为她“充满了不智的智慧,提出并重新提出愚蠢的问题”。

  The great philosopher adored and respected his wife. They first met in 1830. Harriet Taylor was married with children, but the two became infatuated and a scandalous affair began.这位伟大的哲学家崇拜和尊重他的妻子。他们第一次见面是在1830年。哈丽特泰勒与孩子结婚,但两人变得迷恋,并开始了一个可耻的事件。

  “Yes dear, I will meet you, in the chaise [a horse-drawn carriage], somewhere between this and Southend”, wrote Harriet in an undated note to Mill, “tomorrow will be delightful and I am looking forward to it as the very greatest treat.”

  The pair eventually married in the spring of 1851, two years after the death of Harriet’s husband. The wedding resulted in Mill’s estrangement from much of his family. And the couple withdrew further from society.

  Mill’s dedication to his wife in “On Liberty”, published the year after her death, sums up his admiration: “Were I but capable of interpreting to the world one half the great thoughts and noble feelings which are buried in her grave, I should be the medium of a greater benefit to it than is ever likely to arise from anything that I can write, unprompted and unassisted by her all but unrivalled wisdom”.“是的亲爱的,我会在这个和Southend之间的一个马车上的马车上遇见你,”Harriet在给Mill的一份未注明日期的记录中写道,“明天将是令人愉快的,我期待着它作为非常好的款待。“

  As to whether Harriet can accurately be afforded the title of Mill’s “co-author”, the available evidence is too sparse and contradictory to say. It is true that in “Principles”, one important chapter titled “On the probable futurity of the labouring classes” would not exist without Harriet. And it’s clear she helped edit other chapters. Yet this evidence alone does not warrant the title of co-author.

  With regards to “On Liberty”, there is evidence to suggest that Mill’s account of the work as “a joint product” is questionable. “The Enfranchisement of Women” is perhaps the best candidate for a work authored primarily or solely by Harriet, explains Mr Miller of Old Dominion.

  If Mill and Harriet were alive today, they would champion feminist causes such as the #MeToo movement. They spoke out against the abuse of power by men over women as dependents. Between the middle of the 1840s and the early 1850s, the pair co-wrote a number of articles decrying the lax way that the legal system dealt with domestic violence. Though normally gentle souls who abhorred corporal punishment, they recommended exposing and penalising perpetrators by flogging.




  关于“论自由”,有证据表明,穆勒将这项工作称为“联合产品”是值得怀疑的。Old Dominion的Miller先生解释说,“妇女的选举权”可能是主要或仅由Harriet撰写的作品的最佳候选人。














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