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雅思口语新题8分答案:Part2 人工智能

来源:网络2019-10-26 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦

  今天小编即将要分享给大家的是“雅思口语新题8分答案:Part2 人工智能”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!有兴趣的小伙伴赶快和小编一起来了解一下吧!

雅思口语新题8分答案:Part2 人工智能


  Describe a product or application which is based on artificial intelligence

  You should say:

  What it is

  What it is used for

  How it is used

  And explain what you think of it


  ✧ 这是一道科技的物品题。基于人工智能的产品或应用,我们可以联想到以下方面:

  1. Smartphones

  2. Smart Cars and Drones 无人车与无人机

  3. Social Media Feeds推送新闻

  4. Music and Media Streaming Services百度云音乐

  5. Online Ads Network 淘宝广告

  6. Navigation and Travel 导航与旅行安排

  7. Banking and Finance 防诈欺、投资建议

  8. Smart Home Devices智能家庭(灯,窗帘,电视,冰箱)

  9. Security and Surveillance 安保,监控

  10. Customer Service 电子客服 chat bot, AI bot

  ✧ 所以根据part 2的五环大法展开该产品/应用程序的基本信息:公司名,产品名,价格,购买渠道,使用方式,功能,使用感想。



  Okay I'd like to talk about a navigation app because I drive a lot. And I think I definitely benefit a lot from this AI-based application.

  So basically, many of us are using mobile maps now, no matter Apple map, Google map or Baidu map. And they are in general for free which is really good.

  I remember I started to use it several years ago. But at that time, it wasn't so accurate so it made quite a lot of mistakes that drove me crazy sometimes. But now it really has improved a lot. Like, the interface of a map has become easier to read. I use Baidu map the most so I'll take it as an example. What you can see on Baidu map is the area you are located in. There’s a blue spot showing your current location which is pretty accurate. It even shows the direction that you are facing to. And then, if you want to go somewhere, just simply type in the destination in the search box and then it'll calculate the best route for you.

  I think the highlight of this app is that it shows your preference and it remembers it and will learn your habit time by time. For example, I like to drive on the Inner Elevated Road instead of the Middle Elevated Road. So I didn't follow the route for several times if it recommended the latter one. And then, it gradually learned my preference and now it gives priority to it.

  So yeah, I really like this app and I use it almost every time I go out. I think it's very smart to apply AI in navigation and I hope the e-maps can be even smarter and can deal with more complicated travel plans in the future to be more helpful.

  今天小编的分享就到这里了,以上就是小编今日想要分享给大家的“雅思口语新题8分答案:Part2 人工智能”,希望能够对大家的雅思考试有所帮助!更多精彩详细资讯请关注朗阁教育官网!












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