朗阁首页 > 雅思培训 > 雅思题库 > 2020年5月30日朗阁雅思听力考题题库(二)


来源:网络2020-05-28 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦

Section 2

游乐园介绍theme park

11-17 Multiple choice:

11. When does the ride open in the park?  C. 10.00 a.m.

12. How much does the family –fast-line track ticket cost if book online?  B. 95

13. The suggestion of lake in the park is to  B. go there in summer

14. What is so special about a roller coaster bike?  A. Use special material

15. What should they bring to eat?  Take some food and go for picnic

16. What activity is recommended for one day trip?  See fireworks display in the evening

17-20 Matching:

17. Cowboy show ride:  选:don’t need to stand at a long queue

18. Diving school ride:  选:for a small child

19. Roller coaster jumping:  选:the most frightening

20. Magic show ride:  选:some surprise at the end


Section 2


11-20 Completion:

11. Expenses of traveling: £6.50 for children, £9.5 for adults

12. Discount can be received of it outnumbers: 8 people

13. Transport: bus runs up and down of the valley

14. Cave first been discovered in 1813

15. Not open to tourists as the railway station had been built until 1830

16. Price includes: climb up to view the lookout point

17. Climbing course: qualification, instructors and remove of plants to protect the rock surface

18. The shop sells fruit cake and sells apple juice as well

19. Kitchen area in the cave is worth visiting

20. Contact number: 09166956432


Section 2


11-15 Multiple choice:

11. How does Harren think squirrel’s Latin name?  选:A. suitable for this species

12. Why did squirrel’s number reduce?  选:C. decrease of food nuts

13. How does the boy know that red squirrel is different from rats  选:B. how the food was eaten

14. What is the restriction when Haren was photographing?  选:C. it only allows taking photographs in a certain location

15. Why does he think he can shoot better photos?  选:B. got valuable help from tutor

16-20 Completion:

16. The photos will exhibit in local museum

17. They will send photos in competition of national newspaper

18. Harren thinks the best light is in late afternoon

19. He thinks a good photo should contain all the record of detail notes in order to be improved in the future, so it is called “Secondary Object

20. Harren’s picture was once rewarded on a newspaper for the third prize


Section 2

11-17 Multiple choice:

11. 这个机构的目的?  A. Educating the public

12. 澳大利亚的工作人员的数量?  C. 440

13. 用狗来检测违禁物,因为  B. They stay calm

14. 去年有多少个违禁物items?  A. 52,000

15. People carrying items that are not allowed:  C. Will be given a warning

16. When goods carried are found with insects, they will  B. Be dealt with by the customs

17. A video that was checked was found with  B. Plant seeds

18-20 Completion:

18. The acceptable material for packing goods in Australia is paper

19. 问为什么进口物品会有问题,主要是因为他们的labels

20. The customs must be given notice of the goods from 2 to 10 days before it arrives in Australia


Section 2

学校为学生提供part-time job

11-15 Completion:

11. special policy applies to overseas students

12. locate in the Woodside Campus

13. the enquiry office opens till 8:30 pm

14. the lawyer is only available on Tuesday

15. the university website will show the job information

16-20 Multiple choice:

16. Where can find the latest news of new listed jobs?  C. parking center

17. Employers will visit the school:  C. throughout the year

18. The advantage of doing part-time job:  B. good record

19. Student salary will be:  A. taxed

20. You shall contact with the boss via:  C. mobile












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