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来源:网络2020-05-28 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦

7. Describe a journey you went on by car

1) Do you think cars are a daily necessity?

Sample Answer:

I don’t believe it’s necessary to drive everyday, actually, there are more and more people taking public transportation for daily routine since there are so many benefits. Taking subway for an example, convenience, as you can see, there are plenty of subway stations along the street so we can take it anywhere we want to. Besides, metro runs much more frequently per hour thus we can catch it anytime we like. Another reason is that it’s kind of fast to travel by underground during rush hours as it’s the only vehicle underground, we don’t need to worry about traffic jam at all. As a result, a growing number of citizens are abandoning private cars and prefer to travel by public transportation.


2) What will cars look like in the future?

Sample Answer:

Well, there are so many predictions like “cars will drive by themselves”, “cars will fly”, no one knows for sure. But one thing is certain, driving cars will have to rely on alternative energy, such as solar and wind power. It is obvious to notice that earth’s natural resources are running out so in the future, care for the environment will become very important. As a result, we will waste fewer natural resources in our daily lives, when petroleum is drained off, solar or wind energy might replace it in the car.


3) Is driving a skill that everybody must learn?

Sample Answer:

For most young generations I guess yes, as driving has lots of advantages. The most obvious advantage of driving is speed, it’s much faster than other transportation. When you drive, you don’t have to stop during any bus station or wait for other passengers. A secondary merit of driving is comfort. It’s absolutely cozy since you can adjust air-conditioning to suit your own needs, not to mention it’s quite spacial inside so there is more room to move around. Maybe that’s why there are more cars on the road these days.


4) What are the downsides of having a car?

Sample Answer:

One major concern about owning a car is the expense. It’s really dear to drive to school or work everyday, you need to worry about the petrol, parking fee, maintaining fee, even insurance and so on. Besides, it’s a pain to look for free car parking in the city, you might need to circle around for a while to find a space to park. Once you come across traffic jam, there is no choice left for you but wait in the car until the flow can move. Those are the common drawbacks of having a car.



8. Describe an advertisement you remember well

1) Why do some people hate advertisements?

Sample answer:

Well, there could be a number of reasons I’d say. Obviously, people dislike ads as they are absolute spoilers----no, kidding, I mean, they spoil the TV programmes for sure. Imagine when you are just expecting to find out if the suspect was truly the murder, then a long commercial of chocolate began to be shown. It could be such a nuisance. Then, video ads online are less disturbing as they can be shut off. But still, they are overly distracting. Above all, ads are unbearable simply because they are ubiquitous, they are literally everywhere. So I guess some people hate this pervasive nature of ads.


2) Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

Sample answer:

Well, nice out of ten, yes. For most people, advertising works well in terms of influencing them and persuading them to get something new. Even if the customers don't buy the goods immediately after they watch the ads, they are very likely to make the purchase after they see the ads again and again. The idea behind this is simple: the ads stay. They stay with the customers until they eventfully own the products promoted so that the idea of desiring them is no longer haunting. So, yes, an effective advertisement successively stirs the viewers’ desire of buying the product.


3) Is music useful in advertising?

Sample answer:

Definitely, I mean have you even seen a silent advertisement on TV? Music is considered to play a big part in an advertisement, in terms of how effective it is. it is a powerful tool for viewers to remember the ad, as sound sometimes leaves a more lasting impression on the images. And it’s quite common that audience would then associate the soundtrack with the product in the ad, which means every time they hear the same music again, they are very likely to recall automatically the promoted product. In this sense, music does help with the effect of advertising.


4) What are the advantages of TV advertisements?

Sample answer:

They help sell products and services obviously, first of all. Without the TV commercials, most companies and businesses wouldn't be able to boost the sales and influence the customers. Millions of the TV audience, both adult and kids, both men and women are potential buyers for these big firms. Then, of course, consumers are also benefited, as otherwise they would be able to keep informed of the various choices or new arrivals they could have. The TV stations or the broadcast companies, on the other hand, can also generate substantial financial income by charging the fees from the advertising.



9. Describe a time when you first met someone

1) How do Chinese people make new friends?

Sample answer:

In all sorts of ways, just like how people in other parts of the world do, although arguably it comes more easily for kids than for adults to do so. This is because kids are generally more actively seeking out new friends, while some adults don't seem to bother. Anyway, what I am trying to say is that in China kids can strike up a new friendship just by sitting next to someone in class, and adults can also do the same by taking an adult class like cooking course or dancing, singing that sort of recreational courses.


2) Do you think it’s strange to make friends online?

Sample answer:

No, not at all, if you ask me. It’s perfectly well for adults nowadays to make new friends online and there’re also loads of useful apps out there. I feel these apps are popular not just because they are user-friendly and fun to use, but they help take the anxiety out of meeting and talking to new people. Besides, social media have also made making friends so much easier. For instance, you can follow someone who posts stunning photos, or make a comment and raise questions in order to engage with that person. Then this could also lead to future hanging out in person if you wish.


3) Why do some people have few friends?

Sample answer:

Because they want a quiet life perhaps, first of all. They want to be left alone from the endless dinner parties, social media overload, getting dressed up and staying well-groomed that sort of things, you know, social anxiety. Rather, they much prefer to socialize with a smaller circle of good friends they know they can always trust. They might also opt to stick to these old friends than making new ones. Having said that, some people end up with few friends involuntarily. Say, Old people living in shelters or disabled people may have less access to means of friend-making than normal people.


4) Which is more important, new friendships or old ones?

Sample answer:

Well, it’s down to the different situations, and it’s very hard to compare both. Arguably, it’s generally understood that humans are constantly seeking out new experience and creating new memories, so it’s natural that one wants to meet new people and make new friends. Striking a new friendship is more entertaining and fun in this sense. Yet, it is also vital to cultivate your friendship as only a handful of really good old friends do care about your health and well-being. So I guess both old and new friends can be equally important, and one should be smart to invest in friendships that make you happiest.



10. Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing

1) What's the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?

Sample answer:

Well, compared with young people, most of the older people are often uninterested in fashion and more interested in conservative outfits. Fashion is for the young. Older people tend to wear more comfortable clothes and they already have a full closet of things they like. They prefer to hear that “you look good” rather than “that is a nice outfit”.


2) Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?

Sample answer:

Obviously yes, particularly in winter. Compared with the north of China, south China is warmer and more humid. For instance, people in the north would wear thick down jackets, overcoats, caps or even gloves in winter. Nevertheless, people in the south would simply wear sweaters and outwears. They even don’t need to buy any thick down jackets or gloves if they don’t go to any other places.


3) Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

Sample answer:

Well, I don’t think so. The vast majority of students are not into wearing school uniforms and the reasons are diverse. For some students, they regard the school uniforms are ugly especially the girls. The other students think that the school uniforms restrict them from showing their characteristics and aesthetic views. It is difficult for you to distinguish one student from others because all the girl students or boy students look the same with school uniforms and similar hair styles.


4) When do people wear formal clothes?

Sample answer:

People wear formal cloths to fit the dressing code to show their respect for the special event. For example, I wore formal clothes to the interview to show that I was serious about the matter. Thus, compared to those candidates who don't wear formal clothing, I can leave a good impression on the interviewers. Likewise, in a variety of occasions, such as dinner party, commercial meeting and wedding ceremony, formal clothes are also requisite.












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