朗阁首页 > 雅思培训 > 雅思题库 > 2020年5月16日朗阁雅思写作考题题库(一)


来源:网络2020-05-13 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦


Task 1 考题题库

1Bar chart(柱状图)

The bar chart below shows five activities before bed among children aged between 0-8.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


2020年5月16日朗阁<a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/ielts/xiezuo'><a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/ielts/xiezuo'><a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/newsclass/detail/124914'>雅思写作</a></a></a>考题题库(一) 



The bar chart illustrates five activities before bed among children aged between 0-8. Overall, it is evident that children in different age groups have different living habits but all children spend more time on watching TV, brushing teeth, bathing compared with reading and eating time.


It is obvious that watching TV, brushing teeth and bathing cost children more time. They spend more time on watching TV 0.3h by infants under 3, 0.23 by toddlers from 4 to 5 years old, 0.3 by children from 6 to 8 years old, respectively.  Also brushing teeth is less attractive to children aged 4 to 5 years olds. Bathing time decreases as children grow older.


Interestingly, babies aged between 0-3 spend more time reading than older children.  In addition, only eating time augment as children grow up. By and large, reading and eating time vary differently.


Even though all children spend more time in watching TV and brushing teeth, 4 to 5 years old are less interested in both activities. When they grow older, bathing and reading time diminish. However, eating time reduce with age.

2Line chart (折线图)

The graphs show the number of yearly visits from France and North America to the UK for holiday and business reasons.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Business Visits



Holiday Visits




Two line charts illustrate variations of number of visits from France and North America to United Kingdom for business and holiday reasons respectively.


It can be seen from the first chart that the difference between the number of French travelers and that of North Americans for business purpose was comparatively constant and minute, showing a similar trend of ups and downs. From around 0.1 million and roughly 0.2 million respectively in January, figures witnessed a slight fluctuation across the whole year, arriving at the highest point at approximately 0.47 million and about 0.3 million in October.


When it comes to holiday visits, the number of French travelers to United Kingdom steadily increased from 0.4 million in January to 3 million in September. After that time, the figure underwent a sudden decline from 3 million to 0.5 million in December. The figure of North America visits shared an analogous but more moderate pattern, during which time the figure rose from 0.6 million in January to 1.7 million in July before dropping to 0.7 million in December, which is close to the starting point.


Overall, more North American travelers visit United Kingdom than French visitors for both travel and business purposes.












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