朗阁首页 > 雅思培训 > 雅思题库 > 2020年4月30日朗阁雅思听力考题题库(四)


来源:网络2020-04-29 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦


Section 4


31-40 Completion:

31. to identify the line of same length

32. many false attendants intentionally give wrong answers

33. even intelligent people

34. express their fear of being laughed at

35. researchers create a website for the experiment to test familiarity for songs

36. people have good reasons to the communications with others

37. conducting experiment in a restaurant

38. observe the lights’ movement

39. a room filled with smoke

40. people did not think it was an emergency


Section 4


31-40 Completion:

31. cellulose: get from cotton in strong acid

32. plastic is commonly found on: milk

33. the first artificial fabric is used to produce artificial silk

34. 1907, Bakelite the first plastic which was made in a laboratory/lab

35. the inventor’s occupant: he was a chemist

36. Bakelite is not like other plastic because it will get hard when melt in heat

37. it decomposes by light

38. it will produce gases when

39. one kind of chandeliers(枝形吊灯)were made up of the recycled pens

40. a Japanese car: made by semi-synthesized materials that was found in wood


Section 4


31-40 Completion:

31. The increasing distance of how far people travel is significant.

32. different types of advertisements such as: aid of visual, sound, scent

33. Near the shop, people can smell the scent of chocolate.

34. People choose digital screen because it is flexible.

35. Arlines advertising is in people’s own mind and in passengers’ own language

36. She dislikes the research that anticipates people’s reaction by observing natural surroundings of people.

37. improving the environment

38. The research shows that young people do not buy newspaper.

39. take an outdoor swimming pool as an example of imagination

40. Advertisements on sceneries like national parks can spoil the landscape.structure

Section 4

Ancient food

31-40 Completion:

31-40 Completion

31. Diet was influenced by geographical and social factors

Direct evidence:

32. - undigested food left in stomach

33. - food sticking to pots

34. Prepared and eaten food

Indirect evidence:

35. Knife used for cooking

36. The amount of food people tend to consume

37. signature

38. Teeth that showed some values

39. Prevalent food was hard to find

40. Extreme climate


Section 4


31-40 Completion:

Recent problems in Australia

31. several species of frog lost habitat because of human activities.

32. birds

33. single growth crop plant, for example, corn is not beneficial for animals.

Human ignore protecting animals

34. protection is influenced by opinions on support from media.

35. concern smaller animals, e.g. insects.

36. with shock or fear

37. as our rivals in terms of food

Reasons for preventing extinction.

38. plants

39. ecosystem need to be complex to keep stable.

40. disorders of blood system












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