朗阁首页 > 雅思培训 > 雅思题库 > 2020年4月30日朗阁雅思口语考题题库(一)


来源:网络2020-04-29 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦


Part 1

1. When was the last time you went to a forest?

Sample Answer:

When I was an exchange student in Taiwan several years ago, I went to Ali Mountain with my roommates. I was so exciting because there were so many hard-wood trees that I hadn’t seen before. The scenery was appealing like what we see in fictitious films. We also took the train and watched the beautiful landscape at the same time which was a precious memory for all of us.


2. Which public holiday do you prefer?

Sample Answer:

I prefer Spring Festival, which is also known as the Chinese New Year as it celebrates the beginning of a new year in Chinese lunar calendar. I love Spring Festival cos it is the longest holiday in China. It starts on the Chinese New Year’s Eve and lasts for 7 days. Other holidays in China don’t last for such a long time. I can do a lot things during this long holiday. And mum would always prepare a lot of delicious food during the Spring Festival. We would have several family reunions and I can meet a lot of relatives and friends and chat with them. That why I like Spring Festival the most.


3. Do you like music?

Sample Answer:

Yes, music is something that I can’t live without. The reason why I like it so much is that music helps me release my pressure. You know, when I’m listening to rock music, I gradually let the stress go away with the fast rhythm, especially when I’m enjoying the music of Coldplay, which is my favorite British rock band. Their music is so fantastic that I listen to it whenever I have free time.


4. What kind of music do Chinese people like to listen to?

Sample Answer:

Well, it depends. You know, tastes differ. In China, some old people enjoy classical music, because they can get inner peace from it. For example, my grandfather is fond of listening to Mozart every day, and he has tons of classical music CDs. But some young people may be crazy about rock music. The reason is that they believe it helps them to release pressure. Take my brother as an example. He is among those who are great fans of some famous rock singers, such as Bon Jovi.


5. What subjects are you studying?

Sample Answer:

Since I major in English, I am studying various kinds of subjects related to English such as English grammar, linguistics, English literature and so on. All of these subjects are so interesting that I can learn a lot about English.



6. Are you looking forward to working?

Sample Answer:

Yes, I am looking forward to working after graduation. Since I have acquired much professional knowledge, I want to put it into practice in order to solve problems in the workplace which can provide me with a sense of achievement.


7. Do you like your hometown?

Sample Answer:

Yes, I like my hometown very much. It is a great place to live and work because there are a lot of well-known companies located in Shanghai, which provide a large number of opportunities for job seekers. Besides, powerful public transportation makes commuters convenient to work and study.


8. What’s your favorite hairstyle?

Sample answer:

My favorite hairstyle is dreadlocks. It’s a hairstyle common on rappers, which may be thought to represent a rebellious state. But I think it’s just a matter of individual expression. Two of my colleagues have tried the dreadlocks. Both of them got artificially dreadlocks temporarily when travelling abroad. It’s a pity I didn’t try this hairstyle myself. It’s already on the top of my lit, and I’ve determined to try dreadlocks when I go to Thailand this November.


9. What will you prepare if someone visits you, tea or coffee?

Sample Answer

I think tea would be more appropriate. Even though my guest are mostly people of my age who’d like to have a cup of coffee every now and then, some of them still think that coffee is too strong or bitter to them. So it’s better to serve the guests with tea.


10. Have you ever been to an island?

Sample Answer

Yeah, I have been to an island once. It’s an activity organized by my company. We went on an autumn trip, a one-day excursion which includes exploring an island. We landed on an island and spent about an hour strolling and taking photos. The island is not big, so it only takes about half an hour to travel the whole island. It’s uninhabited, with fantastic natural scenery.












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