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雅思口语素材积累:艺术 1970-01-20


雅思口语素材:将来想生活的城市 1970-01-20

01 Part2话题 Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future You should say: Where this place is How you know this city Why this city is famous And explain why you like to go there. 02 话题分析 这是一道地点类新题,难度中等偏下。关于一个地点、城市的描述我们其实在之前的考题备考中也

如何解决雅思口语素材缺乏的问题 1970-01-20


雅思口语素材:做的好的决定 1970-01-20

The reason I made such decision is that my annual physical examination report shows my visceral fat level was about to reach the warning line.

雅思口语素材:穿不寻常衣服的人 1970-01-20

01 Part2话题 Describe a person who wears unusual clothes You should say: Who this person is How you knew this person What his/her clothes are like And explain why you think his/her clothes are unusual 02 话题分析 这是一道人物类新题,难度中等偏上,但如果大家能够打开思路不局限于身边熟悉的面孔或者日常

雅思口语素材:用想象力的时候 1970-01-20

All my efforts are worthy and I have learnt how to give full play to my imagination and creativity. I think it is the best dress in the world because it is designed and made all by myself.

雅思口语素材:穿不寻常衣服的人 1970-01-20

01 Part2话题 Describe a person who wears unusual clothes You should say: Who this person is How you knew this person What his/her clothes are like And explain why you think his/her clothes are unusual 02 话题分析 这是一道人物类新题,难度中等偏上,但如果大家能够打开思路不局限于身边熟悉的面孔或者日常

雅思口语素材:做的好的决定 1970-01-20

The reason I made such decision is that my annual physical examination report shows my visceral fat level was about to reach the warning line.

雅思口语素材积累秘诀 1970-01-20


雅思口语素材如何灵活运用 1970-01-20
