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来源:网络 2017-01-04 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学











例1 剑3 Test 3 Q38

One problem with ostrich farming in Britain is

A. climate

B. the cost of transporting birds

C. the price of ostrich eggs


原文:Farmed ostriches don’t need African climates, and in fact ostrich farming is now becoming well established in other parts of the world.


思路透析:原文中African climates前面非常明显的出现了don’t, 因此非常明显A可以排除掉,因此我们称这一类迷惑君为直接。而在B和C中的cost和price都和钱有关系,根据雅思听力选择题的特征:同类或相反选项其中之一即为正确选项,故BC中出正确答案的机率较大。



例1剑7 Test 1 Q27

Janice believes managers should

A. demonstrate good behavior

B. encourage co-operation early on

C. increase financial incentives


原文:When an individual demonstrates the behavior the organization expects, some kind of incentive can be given. What’s important here is that this happens right at the beginning so new recruits learn the rules of the system immediately. Also the incentive should be something the individual actually wants, and this isn’t always just money.


思路透析:此题选项C的干扰成分非常大,原文很明显地提及了money, 但是进行了部分否定:this isn’t always just money.因此题目中的C选项就是我们的正确选项。


例 2剑9 Test 2 Q23

The students’ main concern about using the library would be

A. the size of the building

B. difficulty in getting help

C. the lack of materials


原文:well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Center, but it wouldn’t be like a class activity anymore...






例1剑9 Test 2 Q34

Suitable employee: not afraid of_____

原文:And the type of people who does well in this type of business culture is one who is happy to take risks.


思路透析:这一类迷惑君其实和英语文化相关,在英文中很多时候是以否定的形式呈现出某个观点,如活到老学到老:It’s never too late to learn.万事皆有可能:Never say never/Nothing is impossible.



先说出答案,然后说oh, no, sorry,


思路透析:这种是*容易判定的一类迷惑君,但是现在在和第二部分出现这种情况后会比较棘手。比如在念日期的时候,首先原文会完整地把年、月、日念一遍,然后后面突然会提及oh, no, sorry…,然后会把日改一下。此外也有可能出现电话号码出来之后,录音中又会对后面几个数字进行修改。虽然这些都是生活中常见的更正,但是很多考生对于这种修改答案的情况很难适应。






例1 剑7 Test 4 Q5

Family preference: no _______

原文:I prefer, I mean…I like young children, but I’d like to be with older people…you know…someone around my age.


思路透析:原文中说出该句子的是一位日本同学,她有着东方学生特有的含蓄,因此在表达她选择的家庭倾向时,很委婉地否定掉了young children, 并且给出了自己的意向:older people,但是对社会化语言没有了解的同学就很难理解此处。


例2剑4 Test 4 Q38

Most sharks are caught in_______


原文:The majority of sharks are caught in the warmest month…from November to February.




例3 剑3 Test 3 Q26

26. DrMerrywhether thinks Antarctica was part of another continent because

A. he has done his own research in the area

B. there is geological evidence of this

C. it is very close to South America


原文:Because rocks and fossils have been discovered in Antarctica which are the same as those found in places such as Africa and Australia


思路透析:原文中提出rocks and fossils, 并没有提及和geography相关的词语,但是殊不知geography研究就是rocks and fossils的内容。但是很多文科生对此一无所知。


例4剑5 Test 3 Q11-12

What two advantages does the speaker say Rexford University has for the students he is speaking to?

A. higher than average results in examinations

B. good transport links with central London

C. near London Airport

D. special government funding

E. good links with local industry


原文:as well as having a rural setting and still being close to central London. Something will certainly be of interest to you is that Rexford is just 35 minutes from London Airport.


思路透析:首先原文中提及了此地离central London很近,但是B选项提及的是去central London的交通很好,所以并不能选择B。此外教授还很兴奋地提及了此地离London Airport只有35分钟的车程,很多学生认为这并不能对应C, 因为他们会认为35分钟算很远。但是在实际操作中,机场都是修建在郊区,离市区路程都会较远,因此35分钟的车程的确是C的正确对应。









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