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来源:网络 2015-08-20 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学




1. Richard III是否杀了他的侄子来争夺王位。


1). 阅读说他有杀人动机,因为想当king;

2). 除了莎士比亚还有很多其他作家也这么觉得;

3). 伦敦塔里有小孩的头骨在房间里,*是他杀的;



1). 还有很多其他方法当king, 比如说他哥哥和老婆的婚姻非法,婚姻不被认可,侄子也无法合理继承;

2). 这是值得怀疑的,因为这些作家和理查德的敌人Tudors有关,朵朵想瓦解理查德的统治;

3). 当时有很多小孩在伦敦塔,不能判断是谁的,也不能断定年龄和性别;


2. 讨论将solar technology当作fossil fuels的一个alternative的可能性。


1). Solar energy没有other sources带来的pollutant, 比如没有fossil fuel的pollutant和没有nuclear energy的radioactive contamination;

2). Solar energy is always available and plentiful, 太阳能不像其他能源需要be mined with great effort, 而且可以store起来等没阳光的日子用;

3). Solar energy能在remote locations使用,比如mountains and ships, 现在这些边远地区难以接电线和管道,所以能源使用困难,然而他们可以用solar panels, 就可以自己发电;



1). 使用solar energy需要大量占地,比如纽约如果要用太阳能,那么得占用它25%的土地面积来建thousands of panels, 而在土地越来越珍贵的今天,大量占用土地也是一种environmental problem;

2). 储藏太阳能的电池是metal做的,那些metal也需要be mined with effort, 太阳能的使用也会被affected by nature resources;

3). Solar energy is a complex technology. 如果你在city里,solar energy的设备坏了,修起来还方便;如果在边远地方,那就要花很长时间来修,也很困难,所以边远地区还是用gasoline好,easy to maintain。



1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students could receive better and more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying.


Sample answer:

In most countries around the world, students study at school for less than 10 months of a year, enjoying the remaining 2 months mostly as a long summer vacation. This, in my opinion, is a less efficient educational system for the students. Students who take very long summer vacations tend to forget what they have previously learned. This means that when school starts again, much time is wasted on refreshing the memories of the students. Ending this cycle with shorter summers results in a stronger, more productive school year.


When students have long summer vacations and only attend school nine or ten months out of the year, they tend to forget their lessons. This is especially true of older students, who are learning more difficult subjects such as high-level math and world history. The numerous summer weeks drift by and students just laze around and have fun, giving little thought to school. Bit by bit, the equations of algebra start to become hazy. The details of World War I become muddled. However, if summer break is just a month long and the students attend school the other eleven months of the year, their brains will retain far more information. They’re given just enough time to relax and then get right back to work. A two or three month summer break is dangerously long, which is unnecessary and damaging.


This loss of knowledge over long summers has even further negative effects on the part of the forgotten their lessons from the previous year. To be able to move forward, the teachers have to repeat what they have taught previously. This could lead to an endless cycle of learning something, forgetting most of it, being reminded, over and over and over. Cutting short long vacations, giving students no opportunity to forget, is therefore very conducive towards more effective teaching.


Some people might argue that studying for 11 months of a year may be too stressful for students, so they need to break away from school for 2 or more months to relax, and to develop an interest in non-academic subjects such as music and painting. However, they don’t have to do so continuously over two or more months completely away from school. There is always time after regular school hours like late afternoon periods, or during the weekends, when students can enjoy the fun of exploring something different.


That’s why I believe that a school year lasting eleven months would be a good idea. The very long summers where students forget information would be avoided. This would mean that the autumn lessons wouldn’t be just reminders of old, forgotten information. The school year would therefore be more productive. It would be heavily-focused on new information, getting to the students faster and sinking-in better.



2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should assign homework for students every day.


Sample answer:

Most students in this world struggle daily with their homework. Many teachers believe that daily homework is the key to education and school success. I agree with this opinion. Here are my reasons.


First, daily homework can reinforce the knowledge students learned at school. A student cannot concentrate every minute, and remember everything that a teacher taught in class. Daily homework is the best way for students to review what he learned during the day, and study on the problems that he do not understand, and prepare for the next day’s work.


Second, daily homework is the basis for success in exams. This is especially true for those students who are not so bright, and the only way to succeed in school is doing homework each day. Whenever the homework flags the class behavior dips, the social behavior is muddled, and the grades take a nosedive. No matter what the ability of a student, daily homework is the key to students’ school success.


Third, daily homework can help students develop good learning habits. Learning is not always an enjoyable experience and students always need to spend hard time on it. Daily homework can form a kind of habit of learning for students. Once a habit is formed, learning is not such a painful thing and a student can find it more and more interesting. Obviously this will greatly benefit to a student.


In conclusion, daily homework is crucial to students’ success. Life requires us to keep learning in order to catch on with this fast pacing society. A good learning habit and method that we developed when we are students can benefit us for the rest of our life.



3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Drivers have to pay a fee for driving in busy city streets when there is a great amount of traffic.


Sample answer:

I agree and believe that charging drivers a congestion fee for driving in certain busy areas of the city is a rather good idea. The inconvenience of the fee will force people to rely on public transportation more, which is better for the environment. Money earned from the fees will aid the local government and perhaps be less annoying to drivers than other driving citations. Businesses within the congestion charge zones would also benefit from a more pleasant daily environment, their shops being easily accessible to pedestrians and not adjacent to honking, dangerous cars.


First of all, this policy is tremendously helpful to the environment and local air quality. For those who would have to pass through a congestion charge zone on their route to work or school, being required to




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