在雅思口语中,虽然大家不会看到题目中有像托福口语那样明确的要求please include specific examples and details in your explanation, 或use specific examples and details to support your opinion等,但是在雅思口语答题中,细节和例子也是必不可少的,它们能够帮助考生具体形象的描绘人物或事情,以此充分的展示考生的语言能力。
在描述一个人物或者地点的时候,考生们很容易想到He is a very kind person, or it is a very beautiful country. 这些句子可以当成分论点来说,也就是supporting sentences, 但是对于提到的kind和beautiful, 如何用更加具体形象的词汇或句子进行进一步的说明是得的关键。
说到描述一个人物的时候,考生们经常想到以下形容词:nice, kind, diligent, intelligent等来表现这个人善良勤劳聪明,例如我们可以这样把kind具体化:He always tries his best to help his friends and colleagues. When his colleague gets sick during work, he will immediately take him to hospital and keep seeing him after that, bringing flowers or gifts. 同样我们也可以把diligent具体化:My father is a quite hard-working editor. He always works overtime and stays up late to review drafts and write. As a result, he was rewarded as one of the top 10 editors-in-chief in China in 2010. 也就是说,可以通过具体的事例来证实你刚才说的话,这样才容易让人信服。当然这种方法也同样适用于描述地点。
例如要表达一个地方特别漂亮,不要简单的说It’s a very beautiful place. Or I like the beautiful scenery there. 一个地方具体怎么漂亮,有哪些具体的地点比较漂亮,或者这些漂亮的地点让你感觉如何,适当地添加这些内容才能让你的回答更“有料”,例如:I’m addicted to the beautiful scenery in Switzerland. Can you imagine how marvelous it is to feast my eyes on the snow mountain and the tranquil lake? 这样回答提到了瑞士特有的雪山和湖,还提到了看到这些景色让人感觉很棒,这样的描述更直观,更容易让人产生共鸣。
在口语问题当中,提倡大家用“TST”的模式回答,也就是一个topic sentence表明自己的观点或想法,加上两个或三个supporting ideas来支持观点,同时注意transition words的添加能使回答听起来更有逻辑更清晰易懂。在这样的回答中,两个T很容易想到,描述一个什么东西或者对某事持一种什么态度不用花太长时间就能想到,过渡性的词汇经过平时的积累和练习也很容易脱口而出,但supporting ideas往往比较浪费脑细胞,很多同学能想到具体的点,但扩充起来就很有难度。上文提到的抽象名词具体化能帮助考生们解决一部分问题,但有时候很多考生说出一个supporting idea, 接下来又不知道如何去说了,这就要求大家具备另外一种能力——paraphrase, 也就是换个说法来表达相同的意思。
比如说想表达He is very special for me. 如果暂时想不出来具体的例子来支持这个说法的话,可以接着说,in other words, he means a lot to me. 表达English is very important, I mean, English is of vital significance. 表达I like my dog very much. You know, without him, my life will be boring and dull. In other words, he accompanies me and lifts me up when I feel down. 也就是说,用I mean / in other words对之前所说的话进行解释和补充,也可以强调之前的观点,展示了考生对于词汇和语法灵活运用的能力。
比如要表达“便宜”这层意思,我们可以这么说:It’s cheap and economical. It can help me save a lot of money to buy books or to travel with my friend Jane. Specifically, it only costs XXX Yuan to XXX. However, if I want to XXX, it will cost me at least XXX Yuan. 这样的回答模式同样可以用来表达“省时”:It is convenient and I would be able to save tons of time. Specifically, it takes me only XXX minutes to XXX. However, if I’d like to XXX, I will spend at least XXX hours.