E.g. 剑八test2
The benefit of this research is that the result is more ____ than searching for live Asian bees.
E.g. They collect the pellets and take them to a ____ for analysis.
Transcripts: Within this general field, surveying changes in the volume and stability of the ice-cap is vital, these may have profound effects on world sea levels and ocean currents.
Question: Measuring changes in the ice-cap (because of effects on sea levels and ______)
E.g Questions:
Operating video camera.
Working with other people:
--learning about
--______ people who have different views
Transcript: Firstly, learned how to use a camera. And also I think I really learned a lot about working together with other people. I’ve never done anything with a group before, and we had to find ways of cooperating and compromising, and sometimes persuading people.
本题属并列结构,雅思的并列结构中答案与题目形式趋同,因此题库25 & 26为动名词-v+ing.通过完全匹配的关键词camera & working together逐步定位,随后针对性的听取动名词cooperating & persuading.
E.g. However, women are more prepared to ______ about them.
这里出现了比较级,所以应该把more prepared to划出来,而在听力原稿中,被替换成了more willing to.
E.g. When investing in stocks and shares, it is suggested that women should put a high proportions of their savings in ______.
a high proportions of 在此被替换成了70%.
E.g. Research… has involved scientists from many countries, who work together on research station. Here science and technical support have been integrated…
scientists from many countries, who work together是前行的内容,帮助提前定位;当听到science即预判可能为答案;在听到technical support have been integrated之后,确认science为正确答案。
E.g. Within this general field, surveying changes in the volume and stability of the ice-cap is vital, these may have profound effects on world sea levels and ocean currents.
E.g. Good afternoon everybody and welcome to Riverside Industrial Village…. The water and the availability of raw materials in the area, like minerals and iron ore, and also the abundance of local fuels, like coal and firewood, all made this site suitable for industry from a very early time.
通过完全匹配的名词Riverside Village, water, raw materials & fuels来逐步定位,有针对性的听取答案为两种燃料:coal & firewood.
E.g. Current issues of periodicals are available at both libraries, although ______ issues are only available at Fordham.
Student: You haven’t mentioned periodicals. Are they held at both sites? Librarian: Current issues, yes but if you want to look at back issues you’ll need to use the CD-ROM databases which are held here at Fordham.
contribute to= cause, breed, trigger, create, lead to, result in, account for, give rise to, etc.
disadvantage= weakness, deficiency, drawback, shortcoming, flaw, defect, negative aspect, etc.
decrease= fall, drop, abate, plunge, plunge, diminish, minimize, descend, etc.
inadequate= insufficient, deficient, deficient, lack of, short of, etc.
significant= crucial, enormous, dramatic, tremendous, remarkable, substantial, etc.
circumstance= surroundings, environment, environment, background, settings, context
focus on= concentrate on, be engrossed in, lay emphasis on, highlight, spotlight
like= resemble, al