很多同学对新托福机经尤其是口语机经研究比较多,但是对于如何正确使用机经,将机经使用技巧应用到考试中去,却不是很明确。大家对于机经的认识是很模糊的。本次解析针对新托福口语考试Task 4进行讲解,在上一次的机经解析中,我们为大家展示了新托福口语考试第四题的内容,在今天的讲解中,我们将为大家*更多的例子,供考生们备考使用。
Sample answer:
The reading passage introduces a theory that animals hide their food to prevent it being found by others. In the listening, the professor uses an example to explain the theory. Squirrels always hide their nuts to store them for cold weather. They hide the food to different places. They dig holes, and place the food in all of them. Then squirrels dig the hole containing the least food more times than others. In this way, the squirrels want other animals to believe this hole contains all their food so that they can keep the other food away from other species.
名词解释:Psychological risk
说某个公司卖一辆sporty style car,打的广告是这车能跑的很快,但后来发现有的人担心这车对环境污染严重,所以不想买,实际上,这车是很环*的。公司发现这个情况后,立刻修改了广告,着重突出这车的high efficiency及environment friendly。
Sample answer:
The reading passage introduces a theory of psychological risk. In the listening, the professor uses an example to explain the theory. A company is selling a sporty style car. It advertises the car can run very fast. However, some consumers concern that the car causes severe pollution to the environment. They refused to buy the car. Actually, the car is environment friendly. When the company found it, the company immediately revised the advertising, showing that the car is highly efficient and environment friendly.
名词解释:diffusion effects就是做实验设两个对照组,但如果对照组受到实验组的干扰,这个实验就失败了。
人们做了一个实验,想要research身体锻炼可不可以缓解office worker的疲劳。把一个大楼分成两组,并告知做exercise的那一组不准告诉不做的那一组。结果几个星期过去了,实验组有人就跟对照组的人感叹,说做了这个exercise以后神清气爽,结果对照组的人也去做那个锻炼,实验失败。
Sample answer:
The reading passage introduces a theory of diffusion effects. In the listening, the professor uses an example to explain the theory. The researchers want to carry out a study to show if the body exercise can relieve fatigue for office worker. They divide the people in a building to two groups, and tell the first group who have to do the exercise to avoid telling the exercise thing to the other group. The other group does not do any exercise. After several weeks, the first group told the exercise to the second, and described the advantages of doing exercise. Then the second group did exercise as well. The experiment failed because of this.
通过以上的例子,我们可以总结出,如果第四题的机经内容较少,我们需要增加自己的理解和常识,把一份不太完整、信息不够完全的机经总结出来。比如动物藏匿食物的那一个,我们可以根据自己生物方面的知识来判定,松鼠藏匿食物的复杂过程和目的是:They hide the food to different places. They dig holes, and place the food in all of them. Then squirrels dig the hole containing the least food more times than others. In this way, the squirrels want other animals to believe this hole contains all their food so that they can keep the other food away from other species. 也就是说,它们会把食物分别藏在不同的洞里,还会伪装;目的就是让食物免于或尽量免于被其他动物发现。这是根据我们的常识可以推断出来的。而实验的那个题则是我们根据对新托福机经的积累,所得出的实验结果受到过程的影响这个常识所推断的。实验中的对照部分需要有不变的量,否则实验无效。此外,我们根据实际翻译机经能够发现,第四题的阅读部分信息量不需要很大,因为在概括听力内容时,阅读部分仅仅辅助就可以,不需要长篇地翻译。很多学生在回忆第四题时,比较难回忆完整,因为这一部分内容较生僻,因此我们在准备机经时,可以增加自己的理解和推断。建议大家不妨试试将机经按照上面的内容进行翻译练习,并试着背诵。