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来源:网络 2014-01-17 编辑:pmc_vicky 雅思托福0元试学



  Please describe a party you enjoyed.

  Answer: Well, I want to describe my parents’ anniversary party. They were happy to have the party. I bought a cake for them and then I left our house and wanted to give them a surprise. They came back and saw the cake, they felt very happy…




  Do you think children should learn arts at school?

  当我们回答yes, 我们有很多的理由:1. 培养学生的兴趣,发掘小孩的艺术天赋;2. *学到一种技能,这样可以满足自尊心;3. 让*体会到艺术的魅力和重要性。

  Sample answer:

  Yes, children should learn arts at school. Learning arts can cultivate their interest in art, and excavate their talent. Children can grasp a skill so that their self-esteem will be satisfied by performing publicly. They can realize the charm of arts and know the significance of preserving art.

  如果我们回答的是no, 理由就没有这么多了,我们可以想到的是,学习艺术会占用一些学习文化课的时间,或学习文化课已经比较累了,不需要学艺术了。这样的理由显然会少很多。



  Do you think government should provide funding for building museums?

  如果我们回答yes, 那么可以说博物馆的诸多用途和好处,但是,如果我们回答no, 那么理由就明显不太多。看下面的sample:

  Answer: Well, I think government should fund the museums. First, it is the utility that spread knowledge to the public and preserve the valuable things. The benefits of building museums are obvious. Also, it has educational purpose. Government has the obligation to build museums, like it should supply compulsory education.


  我们在选材时,*好选择有故事、内容丰富的话题,这样才能做到答题滔滔不绝,顺利而流畅,不会由于思路断开而影响答案的流利程度。尤其是在第二部分,我们更要选择可以说很多内容的话题。比如说,遇到a childhood song这个题目时,很多同学不知道选择什么话题,只是讲一些小时候的歌曲非常好听、伴随我们成长等等的表面而内容空乏的句子。这个题目如果我们给它安上一个故事,就容易答得多了。小时候的歌曲中,讲述了这样一个故事:“一只小猫在河边钓鱼,然而它不够专心,一会儿看到了一只小蜻蜓,就和小蜻蜓玩耍了,忘记了钓鱼;但是下一次钓鱼的时候,它吸取了教训,专心一致地钓鱼,即使来了一只小蝴蝶,它都不动心,认真地钓鱼,*后取得了成功。”这样的话,单这一个故事,就可以答到一分钟的时间了,我们再加上这个故事的意义,就可以轻松地把故事讲述得丰富而流畅。给出答案供大家参考一下:


  I want to talk about a song learned in my primary school. It is about the cat’s fishing story. It was very popular among kids. It tells a story that: once there is a little cat fishing by the river. Then there is a dragonfly coming and flying around the cat. Then the cat drops its fishing rod and plays with the dragonfly. Then it failed to get a fish. Next time, the cat is fishing again, and it learned a lesson that it should concentrate on fishing so that it can get a fish. And at this time, a butterfly comes and wanted to play with the cat. It overlooks the butterfly and tries to fish carefully. At last, it gets a big fish. From this song, I learned that once I do a job, I should concentrate on it, or I cannot succeed. This song is educational and it is sweet as well.





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