朗阁首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思写作 > [雅思培训]剖析广告类话题在雅思写作中的应用


来源:网络 2016-12-16 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学








①   Advertisement: a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service

E.g. She scanned the job/property advertisement in the paper.(她在报纸上浏览求职广告)


②   Advertising: the activity and industry of advertising things to people on television, in newspapers, on the internet, etc.

E.g. Fiona works in advertising.(Fiona从事广告工作)





明确了广告的2个易混淆词之后,我们再来帮助大家补充一下广告的具体种类。一般来讲,广告分为两种类型,分别为公益广告(public service advertisement/ non-profit advertisement)和商业广告(commercial advertisement)。前者是以社会大众的社会意识为主要市场,而后者主要是商家利用这一媒介来宣传和推广他的新产品。就历年的广告类真题来看,基本还是侧重在商业广告方面,而对于公益广告*却不是特别看重。了解了这个之后,我们在复习期间的重点就有了。当然各位考生在备考期间,还是可以适当去关注一些广告例子,作为后期写作文的素材。





①  广告与销量

经典题目:If a product is good or if it meets people’s needs, people will buy it. Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and nothing more than a form of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




题目解析:仔细阅读完这道题目,很容易能够看出,*的本意是在比较产品好的*是和口碑效应有关,还是和广告的宣传存在一定关系。那我们在考虑这道题目时,不能单纯的只承认口碑的作用,广告在一定程度上对产品的销量也是起到很关键的作用的,例如可以给消费者多样的选择以及帮助商家扩大*度等。那要写好这道题,首先得要了解一个单词,即口碑效应,英文叫word of mouth, a term used to describe the comments of the quality of the products.


段落欣赏:The advertising industry provides aplatform(平台) for the business entities(实体) to spread awareness about the products and services offered by them. A good advertisement is one which does not just attract the new consumers, but also persuades theloyal(忠诚的)consumers of the rival firms(竞争公司) toshift bases(改变立场). From the consumers’perspective(观点), advertising is important for the consumers as it makes him aware of the various choices that are available.


再如论证口碑效应时,可以用举例论证的形式把口碑效应的作用写得更渗透。One good example can be found in those old days or rural areas, word of mouth was the onlymarketing technique(市场策略). It is no wonder that the local people had not any trouble in pursuing their satisfactory goods(满意的产品).


②  广告与宝贝

经典题目:Advertising aimed at children has lots of negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?






段落欣赏:Careful packing(包装) and marketing makes toys more attractive and irresistible(难以抵抗的) for kids. For toys which are too expensive to buy, advertisement companies will alwaysportray(描绘) a child pestering(纠缠)his/her parents to get the toy. When kids watch the ad they do the same, this results in atense(紧张的) environment and unnecessary fights among parents and kids.(玩具广告)


TV advertising hasa profound effect(深远的影响)on the eating habits of children, which many times results overeating. The rising cases of children obesity(肥胖) in the US can be attributed towards the number of ads for pizzas, burgers and French fries.(食品广告)


③  广告与个性

经典题目:Advertising discourages us from being different individuals by making us all want to be and to look the same. Do you agree or disagree?




题目解析:这是2012年10月27日的一道写作考题,难度系数较高,当时很多考生读题之后就一头雾水,基本想不到比较有效合理的观点去论证。首先我们得先去考虑广告为什么会使我们look the same? 其实理由很简单,很多厂商为了鼓励消费者*产品,会利用明星效应制造一些潮流趋势。再加之青少年缺乏辨别能力会跟风,成年人也会失去方向。在这种情况下,难免会出现类似的情况。但是这种现象也不是*的,例如还是有人会有辨别能力或是一些*品即使有人想买,但由于经济状况也会限制*力。


段落欣赏:Admittedly, glamorous(迷人的) promotion campaigns(活动) designed by manufactures could

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