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来源:网络 2020-01-09 编辑:yawen 雅思托福0元试学





Part 1考题总结




Do you work or are you a student?

What is your favourite subject?

Do you like studying?

Where do you study? / What school do you study at?

How do you go to school every day? 

Is your school a good place for studying? 

Do you like your school?

What do you like most about your school?   

How do you think your school could be improved?  

How much (how many hours) study do you do every week? 

Do you work or are you a student?

What work do you do?

Do you enjoy that work?

Why did you choose to do that type of work?

How do you go to work every day?   

How much (how many hours) do you work every week?  

Would you say that’s a good company to work for?   

Would you like to change the place where you work?   

How do you think your workplace could be improved?  

What’s the most important part of your work?    

Do you do anything that especially helps you in your work?    

How do you think you could improve your efficiency at work? 


Your accommodation

Do you live in a house or a flat?

Have you lived there for a long time?

What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived before?

What's your favourite room?

What kinds of places would you like to live in (in the future)?



Where is your hometown?

Is that a big city or a small place?

How long have you been living there?

Do you like your hometown?

Is there anything you dislike about it?

What do you like most about your hometown?

Do you like living there?

Please describe you hometown a little.

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?




Do you think you are a good friend for others?

What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?

Do you keep in touch with friends from your childhood?

What do you think makes good friends?



Does your family do things together?

How often does your family do things together?

Do you prefer to stay with friends or your family members?

Do you think it is important for family to do things together?

Do you like visiting relatives?

How often did you visit your relatives when you were a child?

When was the last time you visited your relatives?

Do you think it is important to visit your relatives?



Your living area

Which town or city do you live in?

What do you dislike about the place you live?

Are there any new changes in the area?

Are you going to move in the near future?

What are the benefits of living in cities?

Which city do you like to go to/ live in?

Would you like to live in a city or countryside in the future?

What do people who live in the countryside like to do?


Street market

What do people in your country like? Street market or supermarket?

What do you usually buy from street markets?

When was the last time you went to a street market?

Do you go to the street market more than in the past?


Amusement park 

Do you like going to amusement parks?

How often do you go to amusement parks?

What do you usually do at amusement parks?

Do you think facilities in amusement parks are safe to get on?



Tea and coffee

Do you prefer to drink tea or coffee?

When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?

When you go out, do you most often drink tea or coffee?

Which is more popular in your country, drinking tea or drinking coffee?

Do people in your country usually offer tea or coffee to guests who visit them at home?



Would you say you are a patient person?

Would you be impatient if someone were late for an appointment with you?

Do you think you are more patient now than when you were younger?

Do you think you will be more patient in the future?

Would you say people in your city are generally patient?



When do you listen to music?

How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

Whats your favourite kind of music?

Have you ever been to a music concert?



Do you wear jeans?

How often do you wear jeans?

Do you like to wear jeans?

Why do you think jeans are popular in China?



Has your voice ever changed?

Do you like your own voice?

Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?



Whats your favourite hairstyle?

How often do you have your haircut?

Do you often change your haircut?



What wild animals do you like most?

Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

Do you like to go to the zoo?

Have you ever kept pets?



Why do some people throw rubbish on the streets?

What do you do with rubbish when you are on the streets?

How do you feel when you see people throw rubbish on the streets?

Do you think your city is clean or not?



Do you like perfume? / Why?

Do you wear perfume?

Do you have many bottles of perfume? / Why?

What kind of perfume do you like?

Have you ever given perfume as a gift? / Why?

Would you ever give perfume as a gift?

How much would you like to spend on a bottle of perfume? / Why?



Do you think math is important?

Do you think it is difficult to learn math well?

Are girls generally good at math?

Do you often use a calculator?



Will you learn other languages in the future?

Do you think it is difficult to learn a new language?

What language can you speak?

Why do you learn language?


Social media

Do you use the social media often?

What do you use the social media for?

Do you think making new friends on social media is a good thing?

Do you think you will use social media more or less frequently?



Do you like taking photos?

How often do you take a photo?

Do you prefer to take pictures by yourself, or to have others take them for you?

Do you prefer to take pictures with your mobile phone, or with a professional camera?

In what situations do you take photos?

Do you like to take pictures of your city?

How do you keep your photos?



Have you ever been to an island?

Are there any islands in your country?

Do you want to live on an island if you have a chance?

What do you like to do when you are on an island?



What things make you tired?

What do you do when you feel tired?

Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel tired?


Make up

Do you often wear makeup?

What does wear makeup mean to you?

Do you give makeup as gifts?

What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup?



Do you often write with a pen?

Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?

Do you like to receive cards with hand-written words?

Can we tell someones personality from his or her handwriting?

Whats the difference between writing with a pen and typing on a computer?


Rainy days

How is the weather in China?

Do you like rainy days?  

How often does it rain from the place you live?

Do you think the rainy day is good for studying?      

Do young people in your country dislike rainy days?



Do you like to read?           

What kinds of books do you read?     

Do you read books about what you are studying?   

Do you like reading e-books or paper books?




When do you need to be focused?

What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?

What do you do to help you concentrate?

Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?



Do you think people will walk more in the future?

Do you walk a lot?

Do you walk more often than in the past?

Where do you usually take a walk?


Outdoor activity

Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?

What do people like to do outdoors?

When was the last time you went to a forest?

Do you like walking in a forest when you are free?



Have you ever borrowed a book from others?

Have you ever lent a book to others?

Have you ever borrowed money from someone else?

Would you lend money to someone else?

Do you like to lend things to others?



Do you like travelling?

What kinds of cities do you like to travel to?

What is the most beautiful place you have been to (in your country)?

Where would you like to travel for a vacation? Why?

Would you prefer to travel to one place or to different places on a vacation?

Do you think travelling is difficult?



Do you like to smile?

When do people smile at others?

Do you smile when people take pictures of you?

Can you recognize a fake smile?


Being punctual

Are you always on time?

Do you think being on time is very important?     

It is easy for you to be on time?  

Are young people in your country always on time for things?   


Time management 

Do you make plans every day?

Are you good at managing your time?

Is it difficult to manage your time well?

Will you allow your children to manage their own time?

Whats your daily routine?

Will you change your daily routine in the future?

How has your daily routine changed?

What do you usually do on weekends?



How often do you go on vacation?

Do you want a long or short vacation?

What was the most exciting thing you experienced from a trip?

Tell me about your dream vacation.


Dining with families

How often do you eat with your family members?

Do you enjoy having healthy foods?

Do you and your family often eat out?

Do you prefer eating out or cooking at home?


Part 2考题总结



1. Describe a person who is good at his or her job.

2. Describe a person who often travels by plane.

3. Describe a person who taught you something.

4. Describe a person in the news that you want to meet.

5. Describe a family member you spend most time with.



6. Describe a crowded place you went to.

7. Describe a new public building you would like to visit.

8. Describe a school you went to in your childhood.

9. Describe a place where you read and write (not your home).

10. Describe a place you remember well that is full of colours.

11. Describe a park/garden you like visiting.

12. Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live.



13. Describe a beautiful sky you enjoyed seeing.

14. Describe a picture or photograph you like in your room.

15. Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare.

16. Describe a toy you got in your childhood.

17. Describe a popular product made in your region.

18. Describe a movie you want to share with your friends.

19. Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first.

20. Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet.



21. Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement.

22. Describe a time you saw an interesting animal.

23. Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake.

24. Describe a time when you first met someone.

25. Describe a special day that made you happy.

26. Describe a leisure activity you do with your family.

27. Describe a piece of advice you received on your study or work.

28. Describe a piece of important news you got.

29. Describe a team where you were a member.

30. Describe an important journey that was delayed.

31. Describe an occasion when you could not use your mobile phone.

32. Describe an occasion when the weather changed your plan.

33. Describe a change that can improve the area where you live.

34. Describe a time when you were excited.

35. Describe an occasion when you lost something and then you got it back.

36. Describe a day that made you happy.

37. Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone.

38. Describe a time when you did not tell a friend the truth.

39. Describe a time when you played an indoor game with others.

40. Describe a time when you got bored when you were with others.



1. What kinds of sports do you like?

Analysis: 喜好类话题,考生可以分类来说,由笼统到具体。

Sample Answer:

Well, in terms of team sports, I like to play basketball because it’s very exciting and I can play with my friends. For indoor sports, I like to play badminton because it is a popular sport in my country and it’s good for my body.





Part 1:每个月必考话题work/study/hometown/accommodation被考到的概率依然很大,所以考生定要花时间把这几个话题好好准备下。新出的话题有些较难,比如:number/history/art这些,考生在备考时需要格外注意,提前去查一下相关话题词汇及背景知识,以免在考场上词穷。还有些新题是属于之前旧题改编来的,比如:park/laugh/water sport等,考生只需要把之前准备过的类似话题稍微调整下即可。


Part 2:目前一共有40多个话题,*留了大部分旧话题比如:经常坐飞机的人、有趣的谈话、读书写字的地方、地区特产等,新话题有:健康文章等。Part 2目前大概有40多个话题,peopleplace相对较少,和往常一样objectevent较多。有些虽不是上个季度的话题,但是在19年上半年,甚至更早之前出现过,比如:理想的房子、有趣的动物等。还有些话题是属于旧题改编比如:重要的新技能(和之前的实用技能相似)、不想从事的工作(和之前的祖辈工作很相似)。考生可以整理之前准备的其它话题的一些素材,进行适当改编即可用到新话题中去。


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