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来源:网络 2020-03-06 编辑:wuqi 雅思托福0元试学



Integrated Writing:





*:用作捕鱼器(fish traps)。此处海域的水位较高,所以当海水冲刷到labyrinth时,鱼会掉到labyrinth中间石头缝中,人们就可以抓到鱼;


第三:用在丧葬中(burial practices)。如,英国的巨石阵(Stonehenge)就是在丧葬仪式中起着重要作用;











1. 东部居民的主要食物来源是野牛,因为人口增多,所以野牛的数量减少;

2. 战争时期,野牛、 牛群和马群都是食草动物,牛群和马群吃的太多,破坏了草地,所以野牛没有草吃,导致数量减少;

3. 新型的枪支可以连续发射,使野牛的捕杀率*,所以野牛数量减少;



1. 西部野牛的数量比东部的先减少,所以不是西迁的原因;

2. 野牛比其它的动物更耐寒,所以在极端气候下,其它的动物会死掉,不会影响草地的减少,所以野牛的数量不会减少;

3. 尽管这种枪很厉害,但是和捕杀没有关系,因为有技能的捕杀者一次开枪的命中率就很高,不需要多次开枪。

Independent Writing:


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s better for old people to take risks and explore new things than young people.


Sample answer:

Age stereotypes are applied more frequently and believed to lend some explanation to the highly skewed demographics in risk-taking endeavors. Start-ups in sunrise industries are invariably led by a team of young, hugely ambitious adults who are keen to build a business empire from scratch; the graying population, on the other hand, are often depicted across different cultures as leading a sedentary, laid-back post-retirement life. Though life might take a surprising turn for better for retirees to embark upon a risky adventure, I am strongly opposed to this argument.


Though risk-taking may turn out to be a wise idea in a scenario where success is guaranteed, the alternative is often worrisome, accompanied by negative consequences that few could possibly conceive, let alone withstand. Given the challenges involved in any risk-taking, the odds are apparently stacked against the older people. What could be a 50% chance of success for youngsters might be an endeavor in which seniors stand literally no chance of succeeding. The limited physical stamina and intellectual prowess constitute precisely the major reason why the aging population should remain averse to risks. Climbing to the top of Mount Everest, an athletic challenge that thrills many adventurers, may prove almost the surest pathway to death for the old who share the same ambition; founding a new company requires complex, professional analysis of huge chunks of corporate data and keen acuity for promising opportunities on the horizon, a task that could easily unnerve any old people who wish to take on this challenge.


Exploration of novelty out of curiosity also goes against the grain of elderly people. They have long been accustomed to a particular lifestyle rooted in the distant past, forming a mindset that dismisses any changes as an attempt to challenge what they have believed in. Such resistance to novelties contrasts sharply to the highly receptive youngsters, whose minds are malleable enough to be readily shaped or bent by the social changes; in a way, the patterns of thinking of young adults are largely a result of interactions among different new ideas inputted into them. Even if the elderly people hope to embrace new concepts and creations as fervently as their younger counterparts do, they simply lack the knowledge, skills, and experience that are needed to translate them into productive contributions. Virtual Reality technology, for instance, may be an incredibly useful tool for tech-savvy geeks in a wide range of fields and endeavors – to enhance online shopping experience or distant communication, to name a few. However, cutting-edge technology of such sort is probably no more utilitarian than a wooden desk for computer illiterate pensioners who barely knows how to register a new account on popular social media. The gap between pensioners’ familiar knowledge base and novelties that may dominate the future landscape is as big as the Persian Gulf.


In conclusion, taking risks and exploring uncharted territories could be fun for the old age, but they are never meant to be a serious business. Their lack of physical and intellectual power as well as ignorance of the new developments around the world imply that they could never compete against the younger generation on a leveled playing field. Perhaps accepting this reality and settling down for a less strange, risk-averse life isn’t a bad idea after all.


Some people would buy new technological products as soon as the products come to the market, while other people would wait for some time and then buy them. Which do you prefer?


Sample answer:

In order to maintain competitiveness and seize market share, companies in the technology industry tend to launch new technological products regularly. Some people, especially those technology enthusiasts, are willing to buy these products once they are brought to the market. However, others are more inclined to wait for some time before they make the final buying decision. As a rational consumer, I definitely belong to the latter group.


Waiting for some time before buying technological innovations would make it possible for buyers to cut costs of these purchases. This is because the price of new technological products, as time passes, tends to follow a downward trend gradually when their novelty wears off. So if consumers wait patiently, they are more likely to be offered a better discount but still enjoy the same product of same quality. For example, every time when the Apple Incorporated Company announced a new generation of i phones, it is liable for people to buy the older ones at a relatively lower price. Therefore, waiting is definitely worthwhile.


Also, people can wait for more comments given from those first buyers, which provide objective and well-rounded information about the new technological products. This information can help people gain in-depth knowledge about the products and reconsider whether these products are really necessary and suitable for them. People who plan to buy a newly launched electric car can collect feedbacks from those car owners when browsing the car forum. By doing this, they can know whether their needs can be matched by the performance of the car. This is particularly necessary for those impulsive consumers, who can form a good consumption habit.


Undeniably, buying the latest technological products immediately when they are rolled out would bring people some benefits. These products are normally added with new functionality and features, which can provide users with novel experience. However, this benefit can be the other way around if people only pay attention to the experience brought by the newly purchased product while ignore other important aspects such as the price they have to pay and their need for the product.


In conclusion, although buying the newly launched technological products without hesitation would bring people some kind of satisfaction, it is wise for people to wait for a while until they know more about the products and get a more reasonable price.

3) 选一类

Which one is the most important for high school teachers? (students aged 15-18)

1. the ability to give advice on planning for future

2. the ability to recognize students who need help

3. the ability to encourage students to learn outside of the classroom by themselves


Sample answer:

Recalling my life back in high school, I could only come up with one thing that somewhat disappoints me and certainly casts a significant impact on my later life. And that is standing in the middle of nowhere. Even now, as an adult in 20’s, I still need someone else’s advice on whether I should take this way or not. Same pictures are also seen in high students: I’m going to have a big house and make loads of money… someday. But how? They have no idea how they are going to achieve those pie-in-the-sky dreams, so isn’t it rather pressing to have someone give valuable advice on their future planning? Therefore, from my perspective, high school teachers should take the role in providing students with suggestions on their future major and future work, and this is far more significant than any other things, like the ability to recognize needy students or the ability to motivate students to learn without teachers.


A compelling reason that can lend strong favor to my stand is that inexperience of social life and career prevents students from having insights into what they could do and where they could go. By that I mean their perception of current situation cannot lend any help to decision making associated with their future. Like what I have been mentioned above, I dream to have a big house, but how? The answers to questions like what major to choose, what job to do according to the major, or what problems and difficulties to meet halfway, are seldom known to students. I remember that when I was doing my student teaching in a local high school of my hometown, most students I met had no certain answers when they were asked what major they would like to study in the university. Some of them got to me that they would learn whatever their parents wanted them to learn while some others told me that they would not know until they finish their college entrance examination. I felt miserable because they were undergoing what I had taken before. If students like me had advice on proper majors to choose or suitable way to go, they might have much clearer purposes and plans for the sake of realizing their “day dreams”.


Another equally momentous reason that I would like to raise is that students in high school are standing on the crossroad of their life, which requires larger amount of assistance with their future university, major, even life from experienced people. Teachers are supposed to not only impart knowledge and instill moral values to students, but give instructive tips and strategies on students’ way to their dreams. Once making a wrong decision on major in the university, students would not feel happy and fulfilled, nor would they feel that they make the utmost of their time. It is not rare to see a considerable number of students change their major and start their university over. Although the result could be good, the time they waste earlier would never come back again. Therefore, to have teachers’ instruction on future major is of great significance to students in high school.


It is true that teachers’ advice is possibly unsuitable for every student. This is because teachers’ life experience and career experience are not fully referable. Besides, due to the large scale of a class, a teacher may not have adequate understanding of each student. Accordingly, it is unlikely for teachers to give appropriate suggestions for all students. However, isn’t it better for students to collect more information to have a deeper thinking of their future than to have nothing to refer to? After all, they are in great need of guidance about where to go and what to do, so the advantages of having more advice far outweighs its disadvantages.


Based on passage above, I concede that teachers’ suggestions are not always tried and true. However, on account of students’ inexperience of social life and career, as well as the period of life they are living, to gain more instructions and information on future planning is apparently a wiser action.

朗阁新托福写作 考题题库


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