朗阁首页 > 托福培训 > 托福阅读 > 托福阅读词汇的汇总


来源:网络2018-11-29 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦


  1 a surge of a sudden increase in
  2 a wealth of an abundance of
  3 abandoned left/no longer occupied
  4 abrupt sudden
  5 accelerated speeded up
  6 accommodated allowed
  7 accompany occur along with
  8 accounted for explained
  9 acquired obtained
  10 addressed dealt with
  11 adept at skilled in
  12 adjacent neighboring
  13 admirably very well
  14 admiration for high opinion of
  15 adopting starting to use
  16 advent arrival
  17 advocate argue for
  18 advocates supporters
  19 aggregate collection
  20 aim goal
  21 akin to similar to
  22 albeit though
  23 allegedly supposedly
  24 allied related
  25 allowing making possible
  26 almost universal among fish used by almost all fish(语境中的含义)
  27 alter change
  28 alternate take turns at
  29 alternative different
  30 ambiguous unclear
  31 ambitious impressive but difficult to achieve
  32 anchored held in place
  33 annual yearly
  34 anonymous unidentified
  35 anticipate expect/predict
  36 anticipating expecting
  37 apparent obvious/seeming
  38 appreciably significantly
  39 appreciation understanding
  40 approaches comes close
  41 approaching nearing
  42 appropriate suitable
  43 aptitude ability
  44 are preserved survive
  45 ascend go up
  46 assertion claim
  47 assimilated absorbed
  48 associated related
  49 attest confirm
  50 augment add to
  51 autonomous independent
  52 bare it is not covered by leaves(语境中的含义)
  53 beneficial helpful
  54 bizarre strange
  55 booming rapidly growing
  56 capacity ability
  57 ceaselessly continually
  58 ceases stops
  59 chronology a list that pairs past events with dates
  60 cited mentioned
  61 cluster group
  62 coexisted lived together
  63 coincides with occurs at the same time as
  64 collapsed fell inward
  65 collectively in a whole
  66 commonplace ordinary/usual
  67 compacted compressed together
  68 compelling convincing
  69 compensates for makes up for
  70 compilations collections
  71 complex complicated
  72 complexity sophistication
  73 composes makes up
  74 comprehensive complete
  75 comprise consist of
  76 conceal hide
  77 concede admit unwillingly
  78 conceivable imaginable
  79 concept idea
  80 concurred with agreed with
  81 confirmed proven
  82 congregate gather
  83 conjunction combination
  84 consequently as a result/therefore
  85 considerable a large amount of/significant
  86 considerably greatly/significantly
  87 consistent doesn’t change significantly/the same/unvarying
  88 conspicuous easily noticed
  89 constant occurring periodically/regularly occurring
  90 constituent component
  91 constrained to forced to
  92 constraints on limitations on
  93 constructed created
  94 consumed used up
  95 contains includes
  96 continuously constantly
  97 contract into be reduced to
  98 contradictory conflicting
  99 contribute to add to
  100 controversy disagreement
  101 conventional standard/traditional
  102 converge on meet at
  103 converge come together
  104 convey transmit
  105 copious abundant
  106 core center
  107 correlated associated
  108 corresponds to matches
  109 corroborated confirmed
  110 counterpart equivalent
  111 courteous polite
  112 crude primitive
  113 culmination high point
  114 cumulatively altogether
  115 customarily commonly
  116 cycle pattern of events that repeats itself
  117 debate argue about
  118 deciphering figuring out
  119 decisive determining
  120 delicate carefully protected
  121 demand require
  122 dense thick
  123 denser more crowded
  124 dependable reliable
  125 derive obtain
  126 derived from obtained from
  127 detected noticed
  128 determinants causes
  129 devastate destroy
  130 devastating extremely destructive
  131 diffuse spread
  132 diffusion spread/dispersal
  133 diminish decrease
  134 dismiss reject
  135 dispersed scattered/spread
  136 disrupt disturb
  137 disrupted disordered
  138 distinct clear/separate
  139 distinctions differences
  140 distinctive attractive/characteristic
  141 distribution delivery
  142 diverting redirecting
  143 dominated most prominent
  144 dramatic powerful
  145 dramatically significantly
  146 drastic extreme
  147 drastically extensively/extremely
  148 durable long-lasting
  149 duration length
  150 elaborated complex/developed/complicated
  151 elaborately with great detail
  152 elevated high/raised
  153 eliminates removes
  154 embody incorporate
  155 embrace accept
  156 emergence development/rise
  157 eminent distinguished
  158 employed used
  159 enabling allowing
  160 encompass include
  161 encounter meet
  162 encountered came into contact with
  163 endure survive(语境中的含义)/withstand
  164 enhanced improved
  165 ensured guaranteed
  166 episodes occurrences
  167 erased eliminated
  168 essential principal
  169 estimated calculated approximately
  170 eventually at a later time/in the end/over time
  171 evident clear/obvious
  172 evoke cause
  173 evolved developed
  174 exceed be greater than/be more than
  175 excessive extreme/too many/too much
  176 excessively extremely
  177 excluded kept out
  178 exclusively only/solely
  179 excrete release
  180 exercised applied
  181 exert put forth
  182 exhaust use up
  183 exhausting extremely tiring
  184 exhibit show/display
  185 experimenting with trying to
  186 explicit clear stated
  187 explicitly clearly
  188 exploit take the advantage of
  189 exploited discovered/used
  190 extend expand/lengthen
  191 extracts removes












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