朗阁首页 > 托福培训 > 托福写作 > 12月16日托福独立写作题目和范文


来源:网络2019-01-05 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦




Some university teachers prefer to record their lectures before classes. In this way, students will be familiar with the lecture in advance and teachers help students practices in classes while they are watching or listening to lectures. Do you think it is an effective way to learn?






1. 更能针对学生问题

2. 给学生思考问题时间

3. 学生可以反复观看视频

4. 学生可以按照自己的学习速度来学习


1.  没有足够的动力看视频,导致该课没有效果

2.  看视频容易distract

3.  看视频不会激发思考

4.  学生不愿意思考,所以上课也没有问题,导致浪费时间

5.  教授直接讲课的话可以根据学生的反应调整课程的进度和内容



With more and more people attending universities, they start to pay an increasingly more attention to the education quality of the universities. Teachers and professors are constantly questioned about whether their teaching style or teaching method suit students need and can help to achieve the best result. Some professors tend to favor lecturing directly to students, since this approach can ensure the clarity of information. However, from my perspective, it is better to require students to watch a recorded class before a discussion in the class.

To begin with, watching a video in advance can give students enough time to think. Lecturing directly in class will force students to follow the professors only without much thinking, since students will be busy with absorbing information and taking notes. Theres not much space for students mind to wonder around. However, if students are given the opportunity to watch the video of the class beforehand, they could pause the video any time to ponder over the information they just receive and think over it. Whats more, they may even search online or visit the library to think things through, which will ensure that students are really learning the knowledge rather than just absorbing information.

Moreover, a video before a discussion will make the focus of the class closer to students need. If professors concentrate on providing lectures and instructions only, they will mainly teach based on their own understanding of the students needs which could be completely wrong. For example, a professor may think students might find understanding the article difficult, but instead, students may be blocked by the authors main argument. And a lecture based on professors own thinking will leave students questions unanswered. On the contrary, a video in advance will make students think about their own needs and bring their questions to the class discussion, which will make the whole class focus on students questions. In this way, students will get the answers they need and time wont be wasted on explaining things they have already understood themselves.

Furthermore, watching a video can help students to study at their own pace. When students are sitting in the classroom and listening to the lectures in the traditional way, they may have to follow the same pace. Therefore, students who are slow to understand will find it hard to follow; students who are quick to understand will find it boring and they are easy to be distracted. Both of the groups of the students will lose interest eventually. In contrast, when students who are slow to understand are provided with a video, they could pause it and replay it until they fully grasp the idea; students who find professor slow could speed the video to finish it quickly. This approach will ensure that both groups of students can get the best result and wont lose interest of the course.

Since a video in advance can ensure the focus on students real needs, the time for students to think and the study based on their own pace, it is preferred to offer students a recorded class before holding a discussion in class.



1. Teachers and professors are constantly questioned about whether their teaching style or teaching method suit students need and can help to achieve the best result.

2. Whats more, they may even search online or visit the library to think things through, which will ensure that students are really learning the knowledge rather than just absorbing information.

3. For example, a professor may think students might find understanding the article difficult, but instead, students may be blocked by the authors main argument.

4. And a lecture based on professors own thinking will leave students questions unanswered.














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    托福是由美国教育测验服务社(ETS)举办的英语能力考试,全名为"检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试",中文音译为"托福"。TOEFL有三种,分别是: pbt-paper based test 纸考 677. cbt-computer based test 机考 300. ibt-internet based test 网考 120. 新托福满分是120分。TOEFL考试的有效期为两年,是从考试日期开始计算的。下面我们一起来看看,托福写作哪本书好?


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