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来源:网络2019-10-17 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦





  What change do you foresee in the next 50 years?

  如何答 ”将来” 题目

  Wow. 50 years is such a long time. I don't even know if I will still be around in half a century's time. So this question is kind of challenging. Nobody knows for sure what's gonna happen in the future, right, because the future is unpredictable. But, let me try to answer this question.

  1. Education will be a social welfare without any charges.

  Maybe this is just a Utopian Dream. But I strongly believe, as our society moves forward, education will eventually become a social benefit. Families will not have to pay for education of the kids, because when the kids receive good education, the society will be benefited as it receives a continual wave of talents. It is only fair that the society take out some of the tax revenue and use it on education for young people. Since tuition is no longer a problem, more and more people can finally all go to school. This is what I call“educational equality”.

  2. Education will become less time-consuming.

  One day I suddenly realized that each and every one of us spend 20 years or so on education. 20 years! That's crazy. Those years are probably the best time in our lives. So if you ask me what change do I want to see happen in 50 years time, I'd like to see education short. I believe education can become so efficient and well-designed that we can finish our education from ABC to master's degree in just 10 years time. So by the time a person is 16, he or she will be ready to start living.

  3. Education will become a technical evolution. 技术的进化

  Maybe I've seen too many science fiction movies, but I believe science and technology will revolutionize the way we receive education. And this will happen during the next 50 years. You'll see! We can put all the knowledge of human kind into little computer chips, and we can open a socket to our, I don't know, brain. So every time we want to use a particular knowledge, we just plug it in, you know, like a USB disk. Wouldn't that be cool?

  4. Science and technology will make it possible for all countries to share education resources.

  We often say that the world is flat now. What makes it flat? Science and technology, tele-communication, especially internet. So I wouldn't be crazy to imagine that in the future 50 years, with the help of internet video conferencing, we can bring the image of a professor of Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, you name it, into the classrooms in China. Therefore, internationally famous professors and ideas can be shared globally.













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