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来源:网络2019-10-10 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦



  2019.1.5 T2

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Friends sometimes should have different opinions at the same time maintain good relationship.

  2019.1.12 T2

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that interrupting others while others are talking about something in a discussion is impolite and unacceptable?

  2019.1.13 T2

  Your university is about to build a lounge in the campus so as to facilitate students’studying and relaxation. Do you agree or disagree with such an idea? Give your explanations in your response.

  2019.1.26 T2

  When choosing universities, do you prefer to choose the universities that firstly require students to learn many comprehensive courses then study major course or the universities that directly teach students courses closely associated with their major. Give specific explanations in your response:

  2019.2.26 T2

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that parents can know their kids’grades only when they get permission from their children? Give explanation in your response

  2019.2.24 T2

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that kids should be allowed to keep a pet as the company in their daily lives? Give your specific explanations in your response.

  2019.3.3 T2

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that friends should always be honest and frank to each other, not telling any lies.

  2019.3.9 T2

  Some people have emotional attachments to old things, such as old clothes, old books and toys they played in their childhood, so they would prefer to keep them as long as possible; while some people don’t have such attachments and prefer to throw out old things, which one is your habit and why?

  2019.3.16 T2

  Is it better to praise a good behavior or criticize a bad one?

  2019.3.30 T2

  Some people think they should learn mathematics in school, while others think they should learn mathematics at work. Which do you prefer?

  2019.3.31 T2

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's important for people to learn about the culture and custom of the new country they are visiting.

  2019.4.13 T2

  Someone likes to play board games or card games, while others like to play video games by using phones or computers. Which one do you think is better? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

  2019.4.14 T2

  When going to a new city or a new country for a trip, do you prefer to make specific plans before setting out or prefer to make plans or decisions the day you arrive. Give specific explanations in your response.

  2019.5.4 T2

  The university has $5000 scholarship. What kinds of students do you think should get the scholarship :students with high academic performance or students who need financial aids?

  2019.5.11 T2

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children could not learn any valuable things from video games?

  2019.5.18 T2

  Which teacher's course would you like to take and explain why? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice. A teacher who is humorous in class or a teacher who is serious in class.

  2019.5.19 T2

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A school should no more require students to do experiments but show students the videos of experiments. Why? Include reasons and examples to support your response.

  2019.5.26 T2

  Some people think we should act humorously when dealing with difficult situations in our lives while other people believe we should treat them seriously. Which opinion do you prefer, why?

  2019.6.1 T2

  Do you agree or disagree that freshmen and sophomores should live in the dorms?

  2019.6.15 T2

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Animals have rights as human and should be treated like humans.

  2019.6.16 T2

  If you have a misunderstanding with your friend, do you prefer talking it out in a public place or in a private place?

  2019.6.29 T2

  Some people sell the gifts their friends gave them or give the gifts to others. Do you think this is a good idea? Why?













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