
2019-08-14 00:13:29 来源:网络 作者:mengli



  4. Nauseous

  What you think it means:To feel ill.What it really means: To cause feelings of illness.

  This is another understandable mishap that a lot of people make. If you actually feel sick then you are nauseated. The object that made you feel ill is nauseous. Here’s how this works. If you’re at an amusement park and you’re sitting next to a full trash can, the fumes from the trash may make you feel ill. That means the fumes from the trash can are nauseous because they are making you feel nauseated.

  这个单词很多烤鸭搞不清楚和sick, ill有什么区别,它的关键之处就在于含义是“令人作呕的”,发现没?“令人”!sick和ill则更侧重于nauseous之后的“感觉”。

  5. Redundant

  What you think it means:Repetitive.What it really means:Unnecessarily excessive.

  This one is tough because you can use it wrong but unintentionally use it right. When you repeat something a bunch of times, it can become redundant, but redundant expands far beyond just repeating things over and over. A popular thing companies are doing now is firing people but instead of calling it “getting fired,” they call it “eliminating redundancies.” The premise being that the employee they’re firing is unnecessary and excessive and they are thus eliminating them. In pretty much any scenario where there is simply too much of something, it is redundant.


  6. Terrific

  What you think it means:Fantastic, good.What it really means:Horrific, to inspire fear.

  This is another one that we expect will be changed in the dictionary eventually because barely anyone uses the real meaning anymore. When people say they feel terrific, they mean to say they feel fantastic. An example of something terrific is King Kong. You see a giant monster and it inspires fear. We’re going to loop awesome in with this one too. Awesome simply means to inspire awe and people often use it to describe something really good.






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