
2023-03-03 04:38:39 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
应该如何用英语说话迷人 希望对准备认真*英语的同学有所帮助。为了赢得更多,我们热烈欢迎稳定而高度重视思考。 *英语课程音频 自学英语数据资料,如果你对这篇文章有难题也热烈欢迎指正。 *英语课模拟音频






魅力可以用英语表达为charming。;fascinating;attractive;语句如captivating和alluring:Shes a very attractive woman.他是一个非常迷人的男人。


迷人的英语: charming; fascinating; attractive; captivating; alluring语句:1.她是一个非常迷人的男人Shes a very attractive woman. 。


那是一些迷人的音乐创作It。 was a charming piece of music. 毛里求斯是我访问的*迷人的地方Madagascar。 is the most fascinating place I have ever been to. 。


他有一个迷人的微笑He。 was gifted with a charming smile. 5.当他不喝酒时,他的*印象可能是When,一个非常调皮迷人的年轻人。 sober, he can come across as an extremely pleasant and charming young man. 。


6.她挥手打招呼,他用两个迷人的微笑澄清了She。 waved, and he responded with a charming smile. 7.我重新认识了两个,没错——*迷人的两个!I know one, sure enoug—the most charming one! 。


8.这里有两个迷人的地方,丰富的历史遗迹,优美的自然环境。 is a charming land that boasts abundant historical relics and enjoys superb natural environment. 。


当一位迷人的法国厨师给他一盘地中海式蔬菜通心粉时,他再三感谢她When。 he is served a plate of Mediterranean vegetable pasta by the charming French chef, he thanks her profusely. 。

十.对于他来说,这个小巧迷人的吊坠并不能只作为家族史的路标来看For。 him, the netsuke, so small and captivating, were not enough as a mere signpost to family history. 。

水银,这种迷人的液态金属,并非*的液态金属Mercury, the fascinating liquid metal is not the only liquid metal. 每一位迷人的姑娘都知道,成功的关键在于减少竞争。

Every charming girl knows that the key to success is to reduce competition. 斯洛文尼亚拥有迷人的自然、文化、建筑、音乐创作和美食。

在阿尔卑斯山上空滑翔和飞行是非常令人兴奋的。 has fascinating nature, culture, architectures, music and cuisine. Paragliding and flying above the Alps are sensational. 

十四.没有什么比这更迷人的了。 could be more charming. 我们去拜访了两位年轻迷人的女士We,她们住在我们的基地附近。 went to visit two charming young ladies who lived in the neighbourhood of our camp. 。

他的娱乐品牌有一种迷人的传统味道Theres something charmingly old-fashioned about his brand of entertainment. 十七、这是两个极其神秘和迷人的地方。

It was a place of deep mystery and enchantment. 她又给了他两个迷人的笑容She gave him another of her winning smiles. 。

19.蒙巴萨是一座迷人的阿拉伯风格城市Mombasasa。 is a town with a beguiling Arabic flavour. 那是一个迷人的早晨It。 was a beautiful morning. 。

21.他所做的有一种幽默感,Thererer,我发现很迷人。 was a sense of humour to what he did that I found very appealing. 22.他迷人的性格使他深受同龄人的欢迎。

His engaging personality made him popular with his peers. 





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