
2023-03-01 07:43:18 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
雅思主*箴小题目有什么 主*同僚们*常指的埋怨是:那些学生为什么没看清楚题就想提问?为什么那些学生没看懂题就想去写?那些学生吗晓得自己在写什么吗 3.雅思诗歌创作*




?为什么常常造句一概的提问?你看,连语句都是一样的!大家都晓得雅思大题目应试者有五项TR (task response) CC (coherence & cohesion) LR (lexical resource) 


GRA (grammatical range andaccuracy)在2017年从前,几乎市售所有的雅思同学都在讲别的字词好?别的词语中*?2019后,经过 Tai、Rocco、和我连串的恰当复习道德观散播


许多同学总算知道以后的雅思复习方式需要关键性发生改变只不过他们雅思主*们是这种改雅思大题目的在五项应试者中,他们主**倚重的是TR (task response)即便是*能够一看窥见这个学生是不是 the ability to communicate 的分项


Task Response 是看你写的这篇题目切不切题是不是直接反面有效率的提问问题Cohesion 和 coherence 是看你这篇该文读起来是不是连续性和逻辑思维是第三重要的分项即便整段空荡荡看不出来重点项目


东句,西句的显然突显没法学生管用英文沟通交流的能力LR 和 GRA 就不多加说明了LR是词语用的精不精确,GRA是句法据闻恰当一般市售的同学们看 TR / CC / LR / GRA 是合二为一看的但只不过并不是这种


他们主*改试卷都是 holistic grading(更进一步评分)原意就是他们是以很全面性的去看一则题目倘若整段他们约莫能看的出你的核心思想文综也看的懂但是文综都有 chinglish (chinglish蛮多


,常常会影响到主*阅读)他们会整段先定位在一个 66分以下(5.5 或 5 分):如果整段,看的似懂非懂核心思想是什么都要去猜由于你文综都有太多看不懂的chinglish虽然你有提问到题目上,字数也足够多


但命题要你聊的你没聊到像是这种命题:【2014年10月11日类雅思大题目考题】Nowadays more and more people are using mobile phones and computers to communicate. As a result, people are losing the ability to communicate with each other on a face-to-face basis.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?明明要你聊 using mobile phone 和 computers to communicate 和失去沟通交流能力的关联性

结果你整篇都在聊 using mobile phone and computer to communicate 的坏处没有聊到命题的重心的话他们会整段先定位在一个5 或 5.5 (TR5 CC 6 LR 6 GRA 5 = 5.5)

给你一个 5.5 分的 sample命题:Older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What problems has this caused? 

How can these problems be solved?5.5 分段:Frist of all, the younger people may put the older ones in a disadvantage in such competition as the latter don’t have the advanced skills for the current situation, the older need to acquire new skills essential for their job and living, and that maybe a huge challenge for them due to their learning ability, for example, you can’t expect a senior to handle CS or Python as fast as the young men, and if the younger people have their own generation’s advantages in the competition, the older generation will be shut out of the jobs market. As for the Younger side, they may face more employment pressure, younger people try their best to seek a job after graduation, but with intense peer pressure and the competition from the older ones, there will be fewer employment opportunities for them.

该文没重心,每句都有chinglish,functional grammar 和 structural grammar 都没到位,看懂都要靠猜如果语言更糟糕的情况下会 4.5字数太少的情况下,显然没提问道命题会到 

4 或甚至 3 到 3.53.5 分以下的情况吗很少发生除非该文吗太短导致他们不够 sample去批判6分以上的状况:相反来说,如果整段他们能看的很清楚你的核心思想文综也看的懂chinglish 在

有但相较之下并不是每句都有每个论点论述的还算有道理的情况下他们会整段先定位在一个6.5 (TR 7 CC 7 LR 6 GRA 6)6.5 分 sample命题:Some people think that

 people who choose a job early and keep doing it are more likely to get a satisfying career life than 

those who frequently change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?6.5 回应看起来像是这种的:First of all, people in constant working environment 

are more likely to enjoy the tasks they do,which brings them more satisfactions on the job compared with those who work in changing one.

 Since they started early and gained sufficient work experience in their relatively long career, they have already mastered the essential skills and developed their own principles to tackle the different challenges and obstacles in jobs.This process of solving various problems have turned the job into an engaging game or competition which allow them to enter the psychological state of flow.

 All this brings people a great sense of achievement and satisfactions. In contrast, hardly could those who frequently change their jobs have this kind of experience because they have to spend a lot of energy to adapt to new responsibilities in their positions, new procedure in working environment and new interpersonal relationship. In short, constantly adapting to new environment is difficult for them, not to mention gaining sufficient satisfactions. (TR 6 or 7 CC 6 LR 7 GRA 7) - 有 slippery slope 嫌疑(有两串逻辑,一个都还没说明清楚就到下一个,该文布局松散由于上下位词没有对好)

那假设同样的论述方式chinglish 几乎不存在了虽然会写下一些不符合native speaker 阅读习惯的语句但是整段论述还算有道理他们会整段先定位在一个7 (TR 7 CC 7 LR 7 GRA 7)

注:TR 6 CC 7 LR 7 GRA 7 不是 7,是 6.5,任何一项有一个 6 整个诗歌创作分会被往下拉给你们一个 7 分的 sample:命题:Some people think that using computers and mobile phones for communication has had a negative impact on young peoples reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

7 分的该文是这种的:On the one hand, reliance on computers and mobile phones can lead to poor spelling ability and low grammatical awareness in young people. Due to numerous robust softwares and applications on the internet, such as the grammar checker application Grammarly and the auto-correction function in Microsoft Word, people do not need to care much about their grammar and their spelling when they write a word or a sentence on these devices. Also, in order to get the messages through faster, people tend to use more abbreviations or acronyms for instant communication. As long as information is conveyed clearly, sentences can be shortened to word chunks, words can be shortened to strings of letters. These will pose problems for young peoples writing skills in the long run.

整段,没有装13的词逻辑清晰,只找到了 3 个 phrasing 不对(不太算是纯chinglish)的小错误holistic grading 才是他们主*评分的方式而不是一般*英文同学在*英文题目上

看到错误就扣分式的评分方式你作为学生想得到*分的话*要注意的是 native speaker 的阅读习惯你的 speech pattern 要改!native speaker 和 主*们只不过*倚重的是:我读不读的懂?

跟要探讨的命题重心到底吻不吻合?一则题目*终是不是提问道问题是不是论述成功(整段的走向是否恰当)取决于整段之中的布局和语句之中的逻辑连不连贯决定了你的 Coherence 和 cohesion(CC) 的分数

但整篇 CC 又取决于你语句中的句法恰当度词语用法恰当度还有上句和下句的主次关系那些举体会在 Lexical Resource 和 Grammatical Range and Accuracy 中呈现

只不过他们的四个 criteria - TR / CC / LR / GRA 并不是合二为一评分的而是更多像这种:TR ( CC [ LR / GRA ] )






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