
2022-04-29 14:53:25 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编


If your city’s government only has enough budget to fund ONE of the following projects, which do you think the money should go to?

-Play movies in parks often so that people can watch them for free

-Provide students with extra classes to that they can learn things they would not normally learn on campus

-Make advertisements to promote the city and attract more tourists


如果选A。在公园里免费放电影给人们*了一种有创意的户外休闲方式, 因为人们享受的不只是电影本身. It is a creative outdoor pleasure because city folks enjoy more than the movie. 户外电影一般都是在夏天日落傍晚的时候放, 人们可以感受公园里清新的空气,美丽的暮色,自由地席地而坐,还有家人的陪伴。Outdoor cinema is often set up during sunsets in summer at a park, so people can enjoy the fresh summer air, the beautiful twilight, the free seating, such as a blanket or a cushion brought by themselves, as well as the companion of friends and families

如果选B。给**校园里通常学不到的课程可以培养*健康的业余爱好,远离无所事事或不健康的爱好, 比如长时间玩儿手机,看电视。Providing students with extra classes outside campus can promote healthy hobbies. Students with a regular after-school hobby time are far more likely to avoid idling away or unhealthy activities, such as being glued to smart phone or computer for hours 这样的话,家长也会很放心,因为*在校外有了一个安全的环境, 从事有收获的事 Besides, these after-school courses can reassure parents that their children are in a safe and positive environment outside campus and engage in constructive activities

如果选C。拍摄宣传片, 宣传这个城市, 吸引更多游客。这样可以让市民更了解自己的故乡,让市民感到生活在这个城市是很自豪的事情 Making advertisements to promote the city and attract more tourists makes the local people have a deeper understanding of their hometown and feel proud of living in this place. 每个城市都有当地人为之骄傲的特点, 可能是自然风光, 悠久的历史,名胜古迹,或有什么支柱产业等, 这些宣传让人们知道了以前并不熟悉的细节,会更有归属感 Each city has what makes it special, such as natural landscape, rich history, place of interest, or some pillar industry, and the promotion of these features can remind people of more details and develop a strong sense of belonging.




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