
2022-04-27 15:26:52 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
针对2022年4月9日的托福独立三选一, 大家可以从以下方面梳理一下思路。

针对2022年4月9日的托福独立三选一, 大家可以从以下方面梳理一下思路。

Teachers of young children at a primary (elementary) school are considering making one change to better support the educational and social development of their students (ages 6-10). Which ONE of the following changes do you believe is most important for the teachers to make, and why?

-- Encouraging students to ask questions in class more frequently than they do now

-- Having students to work together in pairs or small groups more frequently than they do now

-- Meeting with each student’s parents more frequently than they do now

如果选A。*生被鼓励多问问题,可以激发他们的学习兴趣,好奇心和对学习内容的关注 inspire them to arouse the study interest and engage in the subject. 有问题意味着*对新知识在进行探究和思考 they are exploring the topic with their original knowledge, 从而增长知识 enhance the understanding of new knowledge. 同时,有助于克服公众说话的恐惧。但也有部分*故意问一些刁难的问题,扰乱课堂 But some students ask questions to disrupt the class

如果选B。*生被允许进行小组合作,可以分知识, 互相帮助share knowledge and

get more support from peers而且小组同学可以互相提问题,有助于记忆. 同时, 小组合作可以培养学生的团队协作能力和荣誉感work together toward a common goal and instill a sense of honor

如果选C。*生被鼓励多和家长互动有助于*在生活*到很多知识 learn through daily lives by interacting with parents. 而且是以轻松, 非正式,开心的方式in a relaxing, informal, and playful way. 比如*生跟家长去公园玩,可以很多大自然的知识。




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