托福家考机经:3.13~3.18 家考写作第3~4套+分析

2021-08-04 13:57:30 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
1. 利弊题型。分析stop reading news for a period of a few days or weeks 的好坏结果。 2. news: 关于*近发生的events 的报道。比如电视,电台,Internet 上BBC, Times 等对*近英国脱离欧洲Brexit,中美贸易战Trade War,全球气候,诺贝尔奖,明星八卦等等的报道。所以,新闻包括—有用的新闻;没用的新闻;甚至虚假的新闻。 3. a few days orweeks:短时间。大家具体化到:期末考试期间…

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Some people believe that there are so many different news stories about current events nowadays that it is helpful to take a break from reading or listening to the news; as a result, they stop reading or listening to the news for days or weeks  for a period of a few days or weeks? Why or why not?

1. 利弊题型。分析stop reading news for a period of a few days or weeks 的好坏结果。
2. news: 关于*近发生的events 的报道。比如电视,电台,Internet 上BBC, Times 等对*近英国脱离欧洲Brexit,中美贸易战Trade War,全球气候,诺贝尔奖,明星八卦等等的报道。所以,新闻包括—有用的新闻;没用的新闻;甚至虚假的新闻。
3. a few days orweeks:短时间。大家具体化到:期末考试期间…



总观点: I agree with the statement.

First,stopping accessing/not getting exposed to news for a while benefits our work.--It is common that people stretch a little break to hours checking what is going on. The simple reason is that they are so engaged in the bizarre stories, such as President Trump has a connection with Russain, or Justin Bibber has got married, that they forget to back to previous tasks.


Second, most news is of no use to ordinary people.

-- Every daypeople have bombasted by various news-making no difference to their own life. Getting familiarized with the detail of Brexit does not help students majoring in Math to prepare for their term papers. Having a full understanding of why American select and support president Trump does not serve a housewife any better. Besides, fake news is increasingly spreading, for it is easy to get post with the help of twitter and Facebook.


Admittedly,news facilitates our communicating with friends, for they are good fodders for chatting.… However, its drawbacks overshadow the only benefit.



You should always state your honest opinion, even when you know that most other people disagree with your point of view.



这道题比较抽象,所有有些难度。 所以大家可以先结合自己在学校上课,参加学习小组活动,或者兼职工作团队合作的时候,一起讨论事情的时候,当别人对某个题目的看法,对某个计划的看法都一样的时候,是否要如实地说出自己的看法。 


总观点:I disagree with the statement.不应该说出自己真实的看法。

1. 可能引起别人的不满。尤其是在小组讨论的时候,导致意见很难达成一致,拖延了进度。

2. 可能自己观点本来就是错的。

3. 在大部分人都持不同观点的时候,说自己观点会给自己造成很大的压力。


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