
2021-08-02 19:02:56 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
审题注意点: 1. 翻译: 因为有钱而不需要工作的人,很少快乐。 2. *句限定了“people”,是因为有足够的钱,所以不用工作的“people”比如,我们熟知的各种富二代: 王思聪…. 3. 再来分析他们是否”rarely happy”:可以从自由/压力/成就感/发展兴趣爱好./人机关系/个人成长… 等角度来分析 4. 但是,我们在想例子的时候,也会发现,有很多富二代也在工作。比如*近刚刚出道的姚安娜. 那么他们工作的原因是什么了?是不是因为工作才让他们快乐了?可以作为一个思考的角度。

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Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

In some nations, students do not pay any tuition to attend universities. However, in other nations, students must  pay to attend universities, and the cost of university tuition can be high. Do you believe that all nations should use taxes to fully fund universities so that students can study for free? 



开头段:Nowadays, fewer people enroll in college as tuition costs spiral out of control and alternatives to the traditional degree emerge(写作团day2素材). Therefore, many educators propose that governments’ should step up to cover the fee. However, we should not make it mandatory for all governments to pay college students' tuition.

中间段1:Admittedly, relying on governments’ tax revenue to fund universities will impose a financial burden on citizens.....   However, the only drawback can be canceled out(day3) by the positive aspects of the policy. 

中间段2:Such a policy contributes to/promotes equality in education. These years college tuition has been soaring, reaching 5 thousand dollars a year on average. 现在大学学费很贵....,因此很多贫穷家庭的*可能会辍学,一直贫困..... 但是,如果大学免费,他们就能有机会去读书,universities will not be filled with well-to-do gentlemen(富家子弟) as they do now.  

中间段3:Furthermore, free tertiary education can help students improve their academic performance.现在很多学生为了负担学费,会做兼职工作....  But juggling work and school often stretch students too thin(day11作文范文). ...导致他们不能专心在学习上. Having such a demanding schedule, no wonder that their academic performance may lag behind that of students from elite families. However, things will be different if they can focus on their academic pursuit. ..... 



Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

People who do not work because they have enough money are rarely happy.


1. 翻译: 因为有钱而不需要工作的人,很少快乐。
2. *句限定了“people”,是因为有足够的钱,所以不用工作的“people”比如,我们熟知的各种富二代: 王思聪….

3. 再来分析他们是否”rarely happy”:可以从自由/压力/成就感/发展兴趣爱好./人机关系/个人成长… 等角度来分析

4. 但是,我们在想例子的时候,也会发现,有很多富二代也在工作。比如*近刚刚出道的姚安娜. 那么他们工作的原因是什么了?是不是因为工作才让他们快乐了?可以作为一个思考的角度。

总观点:I agree with the statement.

中间段1: Admittedly, 有钱的人不用工作,会因为可以逃离工作沉重的压力而比其他人开心一些。比如,他们不用早起去工作,不用在会议室里度秒如年. (day8素材) However, 除此之外,他们都是不开心的。
中间段2:没有工作and 仅仅享受财富带来的快乐,会让他们很难得到别人的尊重。比如,无论the idle rich 富裕闲人/the Kardashian(卡戴珊家族)多么努力地展示自己奢华, carefree的生活,大部分人还是不喜欢他们,认为他们famous for nothing. 甚至心怀不满的人会仇恨他们. 因此,no wonder 她们出门都必须带很多*镖,也很难交到家族之外的好朋友。By contrast, Steve Jobs was among the richest, and the most admirable people in the globe. 原因就是... …..
中间段3:Leading an idle life(混日子)也会让他们难以感受到自己人生的价值,contributing to depression. 不管是进入父母的公司学着管理一个公司,或者是进入entertainment industry, 努力成为一个受人喜欢的idol, 他们在不断地努力relentless efforts中感受到自己的*。当他们看到通过自己的努力,给别人带来积极的影响,也会感觉自己的付出会有回报,人生的意义。否则otherwise, 他们就容易陷入人生无意义的迷茫中....

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