
2021-07-27 13:49:50 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
今天要分享的是来自《经济学人·商论》上的一篇关于:线上课程问题的文章。内容已经过大幅删减。 所以,学习真不易,且学且珍惜这来之不易的学习机会吧。


如果你对托福学习 有兴趣,请联系我们的老师~


1. 国家基础设施不足
Online resources are increasingly popular but few countries boast(v.自夸) a developed digital infrastructure for all students. Only 40% of teachers in our state schools would be able to broadcast a video lesson, compared with 69% of teachers at independent schools.

2. 老师有困难

一些教师已经接受过如何使用这类技术的培训,但许多人都面临一番痛苦的学习。意大利北部的教师Carla Crosato, 就从来没想过她要在5*的时候摸索学习上传视频,给她的学生讲解伊塔洛•斯韦沃(ItaloSvevo)和路伊吉•皮兰德娄(Luigi Pirandello)的小说.
Some teachers had been trained to use such technology, but many have faced a steep learning curve. Carla, a teacher in northern Italy, never thought she would struggle to learn to upload videos in which she explains the novels of Italo Svevo and Luigi Pirandello to her students at the age of 65.

Learning curve. 学习曲线:将学习效果数量化绘制于坐标纸上,横轴代表练习次数(或产量) ,纵轴代表学习的效果(单位产品所耗时间),这样绘制出的一条曲线,就是学习曲线。学习曲线效应指的是越是经常地执行一项任务,每次所需的时间就越少。---来自百度百科


3. 学生也困难
哪怕教师*终搞定了课程直播,学生们参加起来可也有困难。不是所有人都能上网。美国有700万学龄*没法在家中上网。即便学生能上网,线上学习也可能会被一系列问题打扰, 比如排课、对上网课不熟悉的老师,另外远程上体育课也有点"别扭”。所以难怪在*学生们组团给一款大型线上教学应用打出一星评价,以求它被应用商店撤架。

Even if teachers manage to broadcast their lessons, students may struggle to join them. Not everyone can get online. In America 7 million  school-age children cannot access the internet at home. Even if they can,the e-learning may be bothered by problems such as, scheduling classes, teachers unfamiliar with online tuition, and subjects such as physical education being "awkward" to teach remotely. No wander students in China have been spamming the main online teaching app with one-star reviews in an effort to get it removed from the app store.

schedule. v. n 安排
e-learning. 电子化学习
remotely. adj. 远程的;遥远的; 
tuition. n. 学费;教学,讲授
spam. n, 午餐肉/垃圾邮件; v. 向..发垃圾邮件
online teaching app 在线教学应用
in an effort to 为了.. 做某事 





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