
2021-05-21 00:22:04 来源:网络 作者:


Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

. While some people think highly of this trend, others are cautious about the possible increase in the chances of air travel, maintaining that it will aggravate air pollution.

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Body 1: 立论段:廉价机票给普通人带来很多好处。

【主题句】:廉价机票带来的好处不可否认。(It is undeniable that cheaper air tickets have brought evident benefits to common people.)

【分论点一】:出游人数增长。(For one thing, travelling abroad has been much more affordable because of the reduced cost of air travel. As a result, more people are able to enjoy their holidays feasting exotic views.)

【举个例子】:以前,由于费用高昂,普通中人只有在度蜜月的时候才会想到去欧洲;而现在,由于机票价格下调,欧洲成了很多普通中人度假的选择。(An example can be seen in the fact that traveling to European countries has been the first choice of many Chinese people when they have a long vacation, which is in sharp contrast to the situation some twenty years ago, when the air tickets for a round trip to Europe were so costly that common people would only go there for their honeymoon.)

【分论点二】:把普通人从拥挤的传统交通工具中解脱出来。( For another, reduced cost of air travel has freed many people from the crowded and uncomfortable traditional public transports such as train and coach.)

【举个例子】:由于中人口众多,每当传统假日来临,火车站总是人满为患,火车票一票难求。飞机给了人们多一种选择。( This is especially true in China. Due to the huge poupulation that attempt to go back home during the traditional festivals, the train stations in some big cities are always crowded with people around those festivals, and it could even be difficult to get a train ticket. However, some people can now be released of such pressure thanks to the currently approachable air tickets.)

Body 2: 让步段:飞机的确会带来污染

【主题句】机票价格的下降,增加了人们使用飞机的可能性,却也加剧了飞机排放污染。(However, despite the convenience that reduced fare of air trip has brought us, the fact that the increased chance for people to turn to air plane has boosted the the amount of emissions harmful to the environment shall not be overlooked.)

【引用数据】据牛津大学的一次调查,在过去的五年里,飞机排放的二氧化碳占据了英总二氧化碳排放量的7.8%,这一数据预计将在2020年达到10% According to a recent survey carried out by researchers from Oxford University, air travel accounted for 7.8% of UK’s emission of carbon dioxide in the past five years(2005-2010), and is estimated to make up around 10% by2020.


【结论】机票降价好处多,但也增加了污染环境的风险。(To conclude, common people benefit considerably from devalued air tickets, although the consequential growth in air travel has increased the risks of global warming.

【提出建议】It is suggested that the government take measures to educate people to use air plane sensibly.





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