
2021-04-25 22:36:34 来源:网络 作者:




①In 1995, after an absence of nearly 70 years, wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park. ②During the wolf-free era, heavy browsing of aspen trees by elk populations spelled doom not only for trees themselves but for a host of other creatures dependent on them, such as beavers, whose population in Yellowstone crashed after wolves were removed. ③Without beavers to create ponds, wetland ecosystems--aquatic plants, amphibians, birds-were devastated. ④When wolves returned, grazers and browsers resumed normal patterns of behaviors, preferring safer, open areas over the dense cover and streamsides where carnivores can lurk. ⑤Keeping elk wary and on the move, wolves gave aspen and other young trees the opportunity to grow and become reestablished.

2. The author would most likely agree with which of the following claims about the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone?

A. It indirectly harmed some of the park's amphibian habitats

B. It reduced the number of elk feeding along streamsides

C. It led to greater species diversity among the park's grazers and browsers.

D. It significantly increased competition for food among the park's carnivores.

E. It fostered the resurgence of tree species that once flourished in the park's open areas.


很多同学会根据题干定位到*后一句,然后原文说wolves gave aspen and other young trees the opportunity to grow and become reestablished,正好对应E选项It fostered the resurgence of tree species,然后就选了E。


*,once flourished无中生有,我们并不知道这些tree曾经到底flourished与否;

第二,文中第四句明确提到,当狼被引入黄石公园后,这些食草动物更喜欢去safer, open areas的地方觅食,而不喜欢去dense cover and streamsides的地方觅食(因为捕食者能够在这些地方埋伏),所以,open areas的tree是更加得不到resurgence的机会的。





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