
2018-12-21 05:44:24 来源:网络 作者:清妍


  Why do some people get angry easily ?
  Describe a time you felt angry
  1. 基因遗传。很多人天生就脾气暴躁。
  2. 家庭原因。生长的环境导致他们的脾气恶劣。
  3. 很多人就是喜欢压着别人。听不得别人说任何其他的意见。不然就是生气, 发脾气。
  4. 生活上面的不如意也会让我们变得易怒。
  参考:  1. Anger may come from genes. It may be genetic or physiological. There is evidence that some children are born irritable and these signs are present from a very early age.
  2. Family background may play a role in anger.Typically, people who easily get angry come from families that are chaotic, and they are not skilled at emotional communications.
  3. People, who get angry easily, sometimes have a sense of entitlement. They want to be the authority on any matter they bring up and do not expect you to counter anything they have to say. Sometimes they feel they deserve to be tended to, and not doing so, angers them.
  4. Our personal situation also plays a major role in our reactions to various circumstances in life.The reason we get angry is because it's a way of trying to avoid the emotional pain .
  Describe a garden you visited you should say :
  1. where it is
  2. how it looks like
  3. what people do there / what you did there
  4. how you felt about it and why you like to visit it .
  1.I ‘d like to talk about the city botanic garden, which is located in the beautiful suburb . It’s a stone’s throw from my work place . I like to go there from time to time . Today , it’s become a popular tourist attraction , seeing tens of millions of visitors from all over the worldevery year .
  2.It’s a breathtaking, sensationally gorgeous garden. It has an amazing landscape . There are many kinds of flowers , for example : rose ,lily , jasmine , sunflowers. some flowers are very rare. I can’t even telltheir names . When they blossom , the air would be filled with sweetfragrance , which makes it a paradise for people who want to get away from the stressful urban life .
  3.I usually go there with my parents at weekends . We’d have a picnic ,but most of time , just wonder around, check out those amazing plants . Once a year , it holds a grand flower exhibition .it usually lasts a few day .During that period of time , hundreds of kinds of flowers would be displayed to the visitors . for flower lovers , it’s a carnival .
  4.Lastly , let me tell you why I like to visit it . it’s a cheerful place . the flower scent makes me forget all the stress I have in life . If there’s something on my mind , I’d go there,find a place to be alone for a moment . I feel like I can find the inner peace there .After all these years , it’s become a very special place for me .
  That’s what I want to say for this topic .
  Thank you for your time .
  1. I ‘d like to talk about the city botanic garden, which is located in the beautiful suburb: 我想要来聊一下坐落于美丽市郊的城市植物园
  2. it’s a stone’s throw from my work place: 离开我工作的地方只有一步之遥
  3. from time to time: 时不时 (习语)
  4. tourist attraction: 旅游景点
  5.It’s a breathtaking, sensationally gorgeous garden:(这是一个很地道的表达方式, 比beautiful 要强太多了)没到让人叹为观止的花园
  6:It has an amazing landscape:风景很美
  7: When they blossom , the air would be filled with sweet fragrance , which makes it a paradise for people who want to get away from the stressful urban life : (这是一定要背的得分很高的句子。首先他是复合句, 语法的分数自然会走高。而且用词和话题息息相关。格调也很高。)当鲜花盛开的时候,空气中会弥漫甜甜的花香, 那时候花园成为了一个人们躲避生活压力*好的地方。
  8. wonder around, check out those amazing plants:散散步, 看看植物
  9. grand flower exhibition:盛大的花展
  10. Lastly , let me tell you why I like to visit it :(这是连接句, 在考试中这会在连贯度上给你带来更高的分数, 而普遍来说考生们是不会的)
  11.it’s a cheerful place . the flower scent makes me forget all the stress I have in life . (这个理由理所当然是说花园的*理由,格调也会很高, 之前已经用过了fragrance , 这边我会选择换词, scent 会给我带来更高的词汇分, 还有注意细节,make sb do sth )
  12. After all these years , it’s become a very special place for me: 多年后,这个花园对我来说已经成为了一个很特别的地方。(注意细节, after all these years , 这是个很好的口语说法, 很自然的转折)
  13.That’s what I want to say for this topic .Thank you for your time :(这是礼貌的结尾, 你在考试中一定没有说过。良好的态度会给你带来更高的映像分。)




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