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  • 课程阶段 托福预备阶段
  • 课时 48 小时
  • 课时安排 每次 2 小时,共 24 次课
  • 课程教材 《剑桥英语》第 3 级 ● 学生用书(Student's Book) ● 同步训练(Workbook) ● 扩展资源(Links) ● 预备课程(Starter)(自学)
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  • Unit 1 Session 1 (2 hours) + Session 2 (2 hours) Teacher A Module1 Unit1 1. GRAMMAR (1)past participles ●Student book: P5(1)revise the rules ●Workbook: P5(1)填空题 P5(2)填空题 (2)present perfect ●Student book: P5(2)填空题 P5(3)填空题 P5(4)连词成句 (3)present perfect with for or since ●Student book: P5(5)填空题 P5(6)填空题 ●Workbook: P5(3)填空题 P5(4)连词成句 P5(5)问答题 P5(6)填空题 (4)present perfect v past simple ●Student book: P5(7)complete the rules ●Workbook: P5(7)填空题 (5)been and gone ●Student book: P5(8)填空题 (6)manage to ●Student book: P2(word expander) (7)present simple for fixed future events ●Student book: P2(present simple for fixed future events) 2. FUNCTIONS (1)talking about past experiences ●Student book: P1(1)groupwork P1(2a)make notes P1(2b)排序 P1(3)pairwork P2(2)pairwork P2(3)听力问答题 P2(4)study the rules P2(5)填空题 P2(6)pairwork P4(7)quiz P4(8)pairwork P20(1)选择题 P20(2)写句子 (2)talking about fixed future events ●Student book: P2(present simple for fixed future events) (3)summer camp applications ●Student book: P6(3a)阅读文章 job opportunities, 完成问答题 P6(3b)读文章 job opportunities, 完成选择题 P7(4)选择题 P7(5a)complete the application form P7(5b)role play 3. VOCABULARY (1)countries ●Student book: P2(1)拼写 ●Workbook: P4(1)拼写 (2)activities ●Student book: P6(2)填空题 P20(4)填空题 ●Workbook: P4(2)配对题 P4(3)填空题 4. SKILLS: (1)Reading: ●Student book: An article about activities and advice for a gap year: P9(1)阅读文章 the journey of a lifetime, 完成配对题 P9(2)阅读文章 the journey of a lifetime, 完成判断题 P9(3)阅读文章 the journey of a lifetime, 完成问答题 P9(4a)pairwork P9(4b)阅读文章 the journey of a lifetime, 完成问答题 ●Workbook: P6(1)选标题 P6(2)选择题 P7(1)阅读文章,完成填空题 P7(2)make a note (2)Listening: ●Student book: Two people talking about their gap year experience: P9(5)选择题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: Interviewing a person about experience during a gap year: P9(7a)Imagine you are taking a gap year. Make notes. P9(7b)pairwork (4)Writing: ●Student book: An email relating gap year experiences: p9(8)Write an email to a friend about your gap year. ●Workbook: P6(3)write a description of a dangerous experience. 5. SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)reading for information ●Student book: P9(skills for life) 6. PRONUNCIATION (1) [ɛə] /ɪə/ ●Student book: P9(6a)听录音,跟读 P9(6b)选择题 单元重点:休闲活动;世界各国;描述将来会发生的事;过去分词;现在完 成时;描述过去的经验
  • Unit 2 Session 3 (2 hours) + Session 4 (2 hours) Teacher A Module1 Unit2 1.GRAMMAR (1)present perfect with just/ already/ yet/ still ●Student book: P13(1)present perfect with just P13(2)present perfect with already P13(3)present perfect with yet/ still P13(4) present perfect with yet/ still P13(5) present perfect with yet/ still ●Workbook: p10(1)填空题 p10(2)配对题 p10(3)写句子 p10(4)写句子 p10(5)填空题 p11(6)写句子 p11(7)写句子 (2)whose+ possessive ●Student book: p13(6)填空题 p13(7)填空题 ●Workbook: p11(8)填空题 2.FUNCTIONS (1)talking about the present ●Student book: P10(3)判断题 P10(4)填空题 P10(5)填空题 P10(6)选择题 P10(7a)make notes P10(7b)pairwork (2)asking and talking about possessions ●Student book: P12(8a)填空题 P12(8b)配对题 P12(9)study the rules P12(10)pairwork P12(11)pairwork P12(12)pairwork (3)travelling by plane ●Student book: P15(3)配对题 P15(4)配对题 P15(5)填空题 P15(6)role play P20(5)填空题 P20(6)问答题 3.VOCABULARY (1)music ●Student book: P10(1a)问答题 P10(1b)pairwork P10(2)归类 P20(3)拼写 ●Workbook: p9(1)puzzle p9(2)填空题 (2)at the airport ●Student book: P14(1)at the airport P14(2)airport signs ●Workbook: p9(3)填空题 4.SKILLS (1)Reading: ●Student book: A brochure about visiting New York: P17(1)阅读文章 a 7-day adventure in New York, 完成问答题 P17(2) 阅读文章 a 7-day adventure in New York, 完成问答题 ●Workbook: p12(1)阅读文章 the man who lives in an airport, 完成问答题 p12(2)阅读文章 the man who lives in an airport, 完成填空题 (2)Listening: ●Student book: Three tourists talking about their movements in New York: P17(3)填空题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: Discussing choices of places to visit and agreeing an itinerary: P17(5a)口语练习 P17(5b)groupwork Reporting to the class: P17(5c)present your itinerary to the class (4)Writing: ●Student book: P18(1)correspondence P19(2)factual writing P19(3)creative and descriptive writing A 3-day guide to a major city in your country: P17(6)write a 3-day guide to a major city in your country ●Workbook: p12(3)describe a recent visit to a place of interest 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)talking in groups ●Student book: P17(skills for life) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1) /j/ /dʒ/ ●Student book: P14(4a)听录音,跟读 P14(4b) 听录音,跟读 Links 扩展资源: Real communication & Exam listening p2-3 Interculture p16-19 Clil p44-45 单元重点:现在完成时;描述现在发生的事;音乐;在机场;旅游;乘飞机 旅行
  • Unit 3 Session 5 (2 hours) + Session 6 (2 hours) Teacher B Module2 Unit3 1.GRAMMAR (1)past continuous v past simple ●Student book: p25(1)study the examples and complete the table p25(2)complete the rules p25(3)填空题 p25(4)选择题 p25(5)填空题 ●Workbook: p16(1)填空题 p16(2)填空题 p16(3)选择题 p16(4)填空题 p16(5)写句子 p17(6)填空题 p17(7)写句子 p17(8)填空题 (2)said/ asked +direct past ●Student book: p22(3) ●Workbook: p17(9)填空题 (3)when/ while ●Student book: p25(6)study the examples p25(7)填空题 2.FUNCTIONS (1)talking about the past ●Student book: p22(1)pairwork p22(2) p22(4) p22(5)pairwork p24(6a)pairwork p24(6b)pairwork p24(7)write your story (2)telling stories ●Student book: p26(2)complete the story p27(3a)pairwork p27(3b)listen and check p27(4a)write notes about the worst journey you've ever had p27(4b)groupwork p27(5)write your story p27(6)get into culture p40(4)complete the dialogue 3.VOCABULARY (1)transport and roads ●Student book: p26(1)match the pictures with the words ●Workbook: p15(1)crossword p15(2)选择题 p15(3)填空题 p15(4)填空题 4.SKILLS (1)Reading: ●Student book: four strange stories: p29(1a)问答题 p29(1b)read the stories p29(2a)answer the questions p29(2b)pairwork p29(3a)选择题 p29(3b)选择题 ●Workbook: p18(1) 阅读文章 welcome to America, 完成排序题 p18(2)阅读文章 welcome to America, 完成选择题 p19(1)阅读文章 using a dictionary, 记笔记 p19(2)阅读文章 using a dictionary, 完成配对题 p19(3)阅读文章 using a dictionary, 完成选择题 (2)Listening: ●Student book: understanding information about Banksy and Tate Britain: p29(4a)listen and make notes p29(4b)pairwork (3)Speaking: ●Student book: telling stories prompted by visuals: p21(1)pairwork p21(2)pairwork p21(3)描述人物 p29(6a)pairwork p29(6b)tell each other your stories (4)Writing: ●Student book: inventing stories: p29(7)write a story you've just told or invent a new one ●Workbook: p18(3)write a description of an accident you have seen or a bad journey you have been on 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)Reading: understanding visuals ●Student book: p29(skills for life) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1) [ɔi] [ei] ●Student book: p29(5a) p29(5b) 单元重点:过去进行时;一般过去时;引用、引言;描述过去发生的事;讲 故事;交通工具
  • Unit 4 Session 7 (2 hours) + Session 8 (2 hours) Teacher B Module2 Unit4 1.GRAMMAR (1)modal verbs: present and past possibility ●Student book: p33(1)study the examples p33(2)选择题 p33(3)study the examples Unit 4 Session 7 (2 hours) + Session 8 (2 hours) Teacher B p33(4)complete the sentences p40(1)选择题 p40(2)填空题 ●Workbook: p22(1)填空题 p23(2)填空题 p23(3)写句子 p23(4)写句子 p23(5)写句子 p23(6)配对题 (2)multi-word verbs ●Student book: p33(5)study the rules and the examples p33(6)complete the sentences p32(7)配对题 p32(8)问答题 p32(9)study the rules and the examples p32(10)配对题 p32(11)选择题 ●Workbook: p23(7)填空题 (3)object pronouns ●Student book: p33(7)complete the sentences ●Workbook: p23(8)改错 2.FUNCTIONS (1)expressing possibility ●Student book: p30(2)pairwork p30(3)判断题 p30(4)study the rules p30(5)填空题 p30(6)写句子 (2)describing a picture ●Student book: p34(2)填空题 p34(3)配对题 p35(4)划线 p35(5)prepare a short talk p35(6)pairwork p35(7)talk 3.VOCABULARY (1)feelings ●Student book: p30(1a)配对题 p30(1b)make notes p40(3)complete the table ●Workbook: p21(1)选择题 p21(2)填空题 p21(3)填空题 (2)painting ●Student book: p34(1)查字典 ●Workbook: p22(4)填空题 p22(5)填空题 4.SKILLS (1) Listening: ●Student book: a young person answering questions about her possessions: p37(3)填空题 (2) Reading: ●Student book: p39(1)配对题 p39(2)选择题 an interview with a young man about his possessions: p36(1)配对题 p37(2)判断题 ●Workbook: p24(1)阅读文章 best friends, 完成配对题 p24(2)阅读文章 best friends, 完成判断题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: p38(1)归类题 p38(2)填空题 p38(3a)问答题 p38(3b)填空题 p38(3c)give your talk asking and answering questions about personal possessions: p37(4a)记笔记 p37(4b)问答题 (4)Writing: ●Student book: p40(5)write a paragraph about your favourite painting preparing a class blog: p37(6) ●Workbook: p24(3)Your brother or sister is not very happy at the moment. Write an email to your best friend describing his/ her behaviour and saying what you think might be wrong with him/ her. 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)learning for new words ●Student book: p37(skills for life) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1)linking words ●Student book: p37(5)listen and repeat Links 扩展资源: Real communication & Exam listening p4-5 Interculture p20-21 Clil p46-47 单元重点:连接词;情态动词;代词;描述可能性;描述图片;情感;画画; 个人物品
  • Unit 5 Session 9 (2 hours) + Session 10 (2 hours) Teacher A Module3 Unit5 1.GRAMMAR (1)will (predictions and future facts) ●Student book: p45(1)study the examples and the rules p45(2)complete the sentences p45(3)write questions and short answers ●Workbook: p28(1)填空题 p29(2)填空题 Unit 5 Session 9 (2 hours) + Session 10 (2 hours) Teacher A (2)be going to v present continuous for future ●Student book: p45(4)be going to v present continuous for future p45(5)配对题 p45(6)填空题 ●Workbook: p29(3)填空题 2.FUNCTIONS (1)talking about the future ●Student book: p42(2a)问答题 p42(2b)问答题 p42(3)问答题 p42(4)study the rules p42(5a)pairwork p42(5b)pairwork (2)everyday situations ●Student book: p44(6)问答题 p44(7)study the examples and complete the rules p60(4)填空题 (3)communicating with will ●Student book: p46(1a)配对题 p46(1b)对答案 p46(1c)配对题 p46(2)pairwork p46(3)对话练习 p47(4)get into culture ●Workbook: p29(4)填空题 p29(5)写句子 p29(6)填空题 3.VOCABULARY (1)science fiction ●Student book: p42(1)配对题 ●Workbook: p28(1)填空题 (2)environmental problems ●Student book: p41(1)label the pictures p41(2)read the quiz p41(3)groupwork p41(4)判断题 p48(1a)pairwork p48(1b)listen and repeat p48(1c)pairwork p60(2)拼写 ●Workbook: p28(2)配对题 p28(3)选择题 4.SKILLS (1)Reading: ●Student book: an article about the work of an environmental organization: p48(2a)问答题 p48(2b)问答题 p48(3a)记笔记 p48(3b) p48(4) ●Workbook: p30(1)阅读文章 in this chat room: Bad predictions, 完成配对题 p30(2)阅读文章 in this chat room: Bad predictions, 完成填空题 (2)Listening: ●Student book: understanding a talk about how to help the environment: p48(5)填空题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: discussing pollution and rubbish problems in the local area: p48(7a)pairwork p48(7c)present your ideas to the class (4)Writing: ●Student book: designing a poster for an environmental campaign: p48(7b)design a poster to advertise your campaign ●Workbook: p30(3)write about some of the things you think will happen to the Earth in the future 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)using a dictionary ●Student book: p48(skills for life) ●Workbook: p31(1) p31(2) p31(3) p31(4) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1) [ae] [a:] ●Student book: p48(6a)listen and repeat p48(6b)practise saying these words Links 扩展资源: Real communication & Exam listening p6-7 Interculture p22-23 Clil p48-49 单元重点:将来时;现在进行时; 描述将来发生的事;科幻小说、电影; 环境问题
  • Unit 6 Session 11 (2 hours) + Session 12 (2 hours) Teacher A Module3 Unit6 1.GRAMMAR (1)zero conditional ●Student book: p53(1)study the examples p53(2)配对题 p53(3)写句子 p60(1)选择题 ●Workbook: p34(1)写句子 p34(2)填空题 p34(3)写句子 (2)conditional+ imperative ●Student book: p53(1)选择题 p53(2)配对题 p53(3)写句子 ●Workbook: p34(4)配对题 (3)first conditional ●Student book: p52(9)配对题 p52(10)read the rule p52(11)填空题 p53(6)study the examples p53(7)配对题 p53(8)填空题 ●Workbook: p35(5)填空题 p35(6)写句子 p35(7)填空题 (4)when, as soon as, unless ●Student book: p53(4)study the examples and complete the rules p53(5)选择题 2.FUNCTIONS (1)talking about conditions ●Student book: p50(1a)问答题 p50(1b)pairwork p50(2)问答题 p50(3)study the examples and complete the rule p50(4a)写句子 p50(4b)pairwork p50(6)选择题 p50(7)写句子 (2)digital talk ●Student book: p54(3)get into culture (3)making phone calls ●Student book: p54(1)选择题 p54(2)role play p54(4)pair work p60(5)选择题 (4)using email, message boards and chat rooms ●Student book: p55(5)阅读文章 staying cool in cyberspace, 完成填空题 p55(6a)阅读文章 staying cool in cyberspace, 完成问答题 p55(6b)改错 p55(7a)配对题 p55(7b)写作 p60(6)write a paragraph with advice about writing emails ●Workbook: p33(1)配对题 p33(2)填空题 3.VOCABULARY (1)geographical features ●Student book: p56(1a)pairwork p56(1b)pairwork p60(3)填空题 ●Workbook: p33(3)填空题 p33(4)填空题 4.SKILLS (1)Listening: ●Student book: a presentation about helping the environment: p57(5a)选择题 p57(5b)问答题 (2)Reading: ●Student book: an article about endangered tribes: p56(2)填空题 p57(3)填空题 p57(4)pairwork p59(1)pairwork p59(2)判断题 ●Workbook: p36(1)阅读文章 it's never too late, 完成选择题 p36(2)阅读文章 it's never too late, 完成判断题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: discussing the lifestyles of endangered tribes: p57(7)groupwork (4)Writing: ●Student book: a report on how your classmates help the environment: p58(1)write four questions about helping the environment p58(2a)write a plan p58(2b)write your report p58(3)task ●Workbook: p36(3)write a report describing ways to save an endangered species 5.PRONUNCIATION (1) [i] [әi] ●Student book: p57(6a)listen and repeat p57(6b)listen and repeat Links 扩展资源: Real communication & Exam listening p4-5 Interculture p20-21 Clil p46-47 单元重点:零条件句;祈使句;第一条件句;讲条件;打电话;使用 email、 聊天室等;地理特征
  • Unit 7 Session 13 (2 hours) + Session 14 (2 hours) Teacher B Module4 Unit7 1.GRAMMAR (1)reported speech(1): reporting statements ●Student book: p65(1)study the example and rules p80(1)写句子 ●Workbook: p40(1)reported speech(1): reporting statements 写句子 p40(2)reported speech(1): reporting statements 写句子 p40(3)选择题 p40(4)写句子 p41(5)写句子 p41(6)写句子 (2)reporting present facts ●Student book: p65(2)rewrite the sentences (3)indefinite pronouns ●Student book: p65(3)study the examples p65(4)选择题 p80(2)选择题 ●Workbook: p41(7)选择题 p41(8)填空题 (4)each/ every/ each other ●Student book: p65(5)填空题 p65(6)填空题 ●Workbook: p41(9)填空题 (5)to be / get used to ...ing ●Student book: p64(10)read the rule ●Workbook: p41(10)填空题 2.FUNCTIONS (1)reporting what people say ●Student book: p62(1a) p62(1b)groupwork p62(2)填空题 p62(3)问答题 p62(4a)study the rules and examples p62(4b)配对题 p62(5)write sentences in direct speech p62(6)写句子 (2)talking generally ●Student book: p64(7)记笔记 p64(8)groupwork p68(9)read the rules (3)talking about habits ●Student book: p64(11)填空题 p80(5)填空题 (4)making requests and excuses ●Student book: p66(2a)判断题 p66(2b)问答题 p66(2c)填空题 p67(3)role play p67(4)pairwork p67(5a)选择题 p67(5b)选择题 p67(6)get into culture 3.VOCABULARY (1)household chores ●Student book: p66(1)配对题 p80(3)拼写 ●Workbook: p40(1)household chores 填空题 (2)crime and criminals ●Student book: p69(1a)配对题 p69(1b)问答题 p69(1c)问答题 p80(4)填空题 ●Workbook: p40(2)crime and criminals 配对题 (3)signs of Zodiac ●Student book: p61(1)pairwork p61(2a)pairwork p61(2b)pairwork p61(3)write a description of your personality 4.SKILLS (1)Reading: ●Student book: four short reports of crimes: p69(2)配对题 p69(3)问答题 ●Workbook: p42(1)阅读文章 it seemed like a good idea, 选标题 p42(2)阅读文章 it seemed like a good idea, 完成判断题 (2)Listening: ●Student book: a radio report about crimes and young criminals in the UK: p69(4a)问答题 p69(4b)问答题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: discussing personal experiences and common crime in your country: p69(6)groupwork (4)Writing: ●Student book: a letter describing being the victim of a crime: p69(7)write a letter to a friend describing a real or imagined crime where you were the victim ●Workbook: p42(3)write a story about a crime that went wrong p43(1)organising your ideas p43(2)organising your ideas p43(3)try planning this composition 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)vocabulary fields ●Student book: p69(skills for life) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1)/g/ /k/ ●Student book: p69(5a)listen and repeat p69(5b) 单元重点:代词;转述、复述;描述现在的事实;提出请求;提出借口;描 述习惯;作概括;家务事;犯罪和罪犯
  • Unit 8 Session 15 (2 hours) + Session 16 (2 hours) Teacher B Module4 Unit8 1.GRAMMAR (1)reported speech (2): reported questions ●Student book: p73(1)study the direct p73(2)写句子 Unit 8 Session 15 (2 hours) + Session 16 (2 hours) Teacher B p73(3)写句子 p73(4)study the examples p73(5)问答题 ●Workbook: p46(1)reported speech(2): reported questions 填空题 p46(2)reported speech(2): reported questions 写句子 p47(3)reported speech(2): reported questions 写句子 p47(4)reported speech(2): reported questions 写句子 (2)reporting verbs ●Student book: p73(6)study the examples and the rule p73(7)写句子 ●Workbook: p47(5)配对题 p47(6)填空题 p47(7)填空题 p47(8)写句子 2.FUNCTIONS (1)reporting what someone asked ●Student book: p70(1)问答题 p70(2)判断题 p70(3)问答题 p70(4)study the examples and the rule p70(5)write reported questions p70(6)转述 p70(7)转述 (2)reporting purpose ●Student book: p72(8)配对题 p72(9)缩写 p72(10)study the table and do the task p72(11)pairwork (3)talking about pet hates ●Student book: p75(4)判断题 p75(5)问答题 p75(6a)填空题 p75(6b)选择题 p75(7a)问答题 p75(7b)pairwork p75(8)pairwork 3.VOCABULARY (1)expressing feelings ●Student book: p74(1)听力练习 ●Workbook: p45(1)填空题 (2)common expressions ●Student book: p74(2)配对题 p75(3)get into culture ●Workbook: p46(2)common expressions 配对题 p46(3)写句子 (3)describing people ●Student book: p77(2a)归类题 p77(2b)单词拼写 p80(6)填空题 ●Workbook: p46(4)填空题 4.SKILLS (1) Listening: ●Student book: p79(1)填空题 three people describing their best friend’s physical appearance and character: p77(3)填空题 (2) Reading: ●Student book: p78(singer& songwriter) p79(2)判断题 a survey about friendship: p76(real skills) ●Workbook: p48(1)阅读文章 friends: the new family p48(2)阅读文章 friends: the new family, 完成配对题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: discussing famous friends: p77(1a)pairwork p77(1b)groupwork activities with friends: p77(1a)pairwork p77(1b)groupwork the most important qualities in a friendship: p77(4)pairwork (4)Writing: ●Student book: an essay describing a best friend: p77(6)描述一个朋友 ●Workbook: p48(3)describe one friend or member of your family 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1) improving your writing skills ●Student book: p77(skills for life) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1) [ð] [θ] ●Student book: p77(5a) p77(5b) Links 扩展资源: Real communication & Exam listening p8-9 Interculture p24-27 Clil p50-51 单元重点:转述、复述;转述别人问的问题;表达目的;表达情感;常见表 达方式;描述人物;描述朋友、友谊
  • Unit 9 Session 17 (2 hours) + Session 18 (2 hours) Teacher A p52(1)second conditional 配对题 p52(2)second conditional 写句子 p52(3)second conditional 写句子 p52(4)second conditional 选择题 p52(5)second conditional 写句子 p53(6)second conditional 写句子 (2)wish + past simple ●Student book: p85(4)study the examples and the rules p85(5)填空题 p85(6)写句子 ●Workbook: p53(7) (3)wish + would ●Student book: p85(4)study the examples and the rules p85(5)填空题 p85(6)写句子 ●Workbook: p53(8)写句子 (4)defining relative clauses ●Student book: p85(7)study the examples p85(8)选择题 p85(9)写句子 ●Workbook: p53(9)写句子 p53(10)填空题 2.FUNCTIONS (1)talking about imagined situations ●Student book: p81(1)puzzle p81(2a)groupwork p81(2b)groupwork p82(1)配对题 p82(2)判断题 p82(3)study the examples p82(4)填空题 p82(5)写句子 p82(6)pairwork p84(7a)记笔记 p84(7b)pairwork p84(8)study the examples p84(9)选择题 p84(10)pairwork (2)having a job interview ●Student book: p87(3)填空题 p87(4a)填空题 p87(4b)pairwork p87(4c)记笔记 p87(5)get into culture p87(6a)roleplay p87(6b)give feedback p87(6c)role play 3.VOCABULARY (1)careers ●Student book: p86(1a)配对题 p86(1b)pairwork p86(2)pairwork p100(3)拼写 p100(6)pairwork ●Workbook: p51(1)配对题 p51(2)填空题 p52(3)填空题 4.SKILLS (1)Reading: ●Student book: an article about market research: p89(1)pairwork p89(2)问答题 p89(3)pairwork ●Workbook: p54(1)阅读 job adverts, 完成配对题 p54(2)阅读 job adverts, 完成配对题 p55(study skills) (2)Listening: ●Student book: an interview with a young market researcher: p89(4a)选择题 p89(4b)记笔记 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: discussing what makes someone buy something: p89(6)问答题 (4)Writing: ●Student book: a diary entry: p89(7)Be an ethnographer. Watch your family for an evening. Write a dairy about how they interact with technology. ●Workbook: p54(3)describe your ideal job 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)using a dictionary ●Student book: p89(skills for life) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1) /a:/ /æ/ ●Student book: p89(5a) p89(5b) 单元重点:第二条件句;限定性定语从句;描述想象中的场景;工作面试; 职业;市场调查
  • Unit 10 Session 19 (2 hours) + Session 20 (2 hours) Teacher A Module5 Unit10 1.GRAMMAR (1)third conditional ●Student book: p93(1)study the examples p93(2)配对题 p93(3)填空题 (2)wish/ should have/ ought to have ●Student book: p93(4)study the examples and the rules p93(5)选择题 p93(6)写句子 p92(8)study the examples and the rules p92(9)判断题 p92(10)写句子 p92(11)写句子 ●Workbook: p58(1)写句子 p58(2)选择题 p58(3)写句子 p58(4)写句子 p59(5)写句子 p59(6)写句子 (3)adverbials ●Student book: p93(7)study the rules 2.FUNCTIONS (1)talking about regrets ●Student book: p90(1a)groupwork p90(1b)问答题 p90(2)问答题 p90(3)write some advice for the website p90(4)配对题 p90(5)study the examples p100(1)填空题 p100(2)选择题 (2)dealing with difficult situations ●Student book: p94(1)阅读文章 stop bullying! 完成问答题 p94(2)阅读文章 stop bullying! 完成判断题 p95(3)groupwork p95(4a)填空题 p95(4b)划线 p95(5a)配对题 p95(5b)选择题 p95(6)role play p95(7)get into culture p100(5)填空题 ●Workbook: p57(1) 3.VOCABULARY (1)multi-word verbs ●Student book: p90(6)配对题 p90(7)groupwork p100(4)选择题 ●Workbook: p57(2)填空题 4.SKILLS (1) Listening: ●Student book: understanding a memory test and a mathematical test: p97(3b)问答题 p97(4)a memory test p97(5) a mathematical test (2) Reading: ●Student book: p98(a trip to Sydney) p99(1)write an email to your friend an article about the human brain: p96(1a)pairwork p96(1b)scan p96(2)问答题 ●Workbook: p60(1)阅读文章 tough decisions p60(2)阅读文章 tough decisions, 完成配对题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: discussing the situation to a puzzle: p97(3a)groupwork (4)Writing: ●Student book: writing a text from memory: p97(7)a memory test ●Workbook: p59(7)填空题 p59(8)填空题 p60(3)If you could live your life again, what would you do differently? Write about some of the things you would (and wouldn't) have done 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)improve your memory ●Student book: p96(skills for life) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1) [s] [ʃ] ●Student book: p97(6) Links 扩展资源: Real communication & Exam listening p10-11 Interculture p28-31 Clil p52-53 单元重点:第三条件句;状语;处理困难的事情;复合动词;数学测试;记 忆力测试;提高记忆力;描述后悔的事
  • Unit 11 Session 21 (2 hours) + Session 22 (2 hours) Teacher B Module6 Unit11 1.GRAMMAR (1)present passive ●Student book: p105(1)study the examples and the rules p105(2)写句子 p105(3)写句子 p105(4)study the examples and the rules p105(5)写句子 ●Workbook: p64(1)写句子 p64(2)写句子 p64(3)填空题 p63(4)写句子 p65(5)填空题 (2)non-defining relative clauses ●Student book: p105(6)study the examples p105(7)写句子 p120(2)选择题 ●Workbook: p65(6)填空题 p65(7)写句子 p65(8)写句子 2.FUNCTIONS (1)talking about processes ●Student book: p101(1a)配对题 p101(1b)groupwork p102(1)groupwork p102(2)判断题 p102(3)pairwork p102(4)read the rules p102(5)填空题 p104(6a)配对题 p104(6b)问答题 p104(7)study the examples and rule (2)planning a camping trip ●Student book: p107(3)填空题 p107(4)study the sentences p107(5)groupwork p107(6)get into culture 3.VOCABULARY (1)camping ●Student book: p106(1)pairwork p106(2)配对题 p120(3)配对题 ●Workbook: p63(1)填空题 p63(2)填空题 4.SKILLS (1)Reading: ●Student book: an article about geocaching: p108(1)pairwork p108(2)问答题 p109(3)判断题 p109(4)pairwork ●Workbook: p66(1)阅读文章 treasure hunt fever, 完成选择题 p67(1)阅读文章 reading for pleasure, 完成问答题 p67(2)阅读文章 reading for pleasure, 完成填空题 p67(3) (2)Listening: ●Student book: three people talking about experiences of geocaching: p109(5)填空题 (3)Speaking: ●Student book: discussing ideas for a time capsule: p109(7)groupwork (4)Writing: ●Student book: a letter describing your present life to somebody in the future: p109(8)write a letter to somebody in the future ●Workbook: p67(2)describe how a treasure hunt or geocaching is organised 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)acting as a chairperson and as a secretary in a group discussion ●Student book: p109(skills for life) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1)comparing stress in verbs and their derivatives ●Student book: p109(6) 单元重点:被动语态;非限定性定语从句;描述过程;计划一个露营;露营; 小组讨论
  • Unit 12 Session 23 (2 hours) + Session 24 (2 hours) Teacher B Module6 Unit12 1.GRAMMAR (1)past simple passive ●Student book: p113(1)study the sentences p113(2)填空题 p113(3)write sentences p120(1)填空题 ●Workbook: p70(1) past simple passive 填空题 (2)present perfect passive ●Student book: p110(4)study the examples ●Workbook: p70(2)写句子 p70(3)填空题 p70(4)写句子 (3)past continuous passive ●Student book: p113(4)study the sentences p113(5)填空题 ●Workbook: p71(5)填空题 p71(6)写句子 (4)future passive ●Student book: p113(6)study the examples p113(7)写句子 ●Workbook: p71(7)填空题 p71(8)填空题 (5)have something done ●Student book: p113(8)study the table ●Workbook: p71(9)写句子 p71(10)写句子 (6)reflexive pronouns ●Student book: p113(9)填空题 ●Workbook: p71(11)填空题 2.FUNCTIONS (1)describing past facts ●Student book: p110(1)pairwork p110(2a)配对题 p110(2b)填空题 p110(3)填空题 p110(5)写句子 p110(6)写句子 (2)organising other people to do things ●Student book: p112(8)判断题 p112(9)study the rules p112(10)填空题 (3)working in a team ●Student book: p114(1)pairwork p114(2)对答案 p115(3)pairwork p115(4)对答案 p115(5)get into culture p115(6a)groupwork p115(6b)对答案 p115(7)groupwork p120(6)选择题 3.VOCABULARY (1)extreme sports ●Workbook: p70(1) extreme sports 填空题 4.SKILLS (1)Reading: ●Student book: an article about a rally: p116(1)scan p117(2)查找 ●Workbook: p72(1)阅读文章 time to try something new,完成配对题 p72(2)阅读文章 time to try something new,完成判断题 (2)Listening: ●Student book: p118 填空题 p119(1)选择题 matching dialogues about a rally to blog entries: p117(3) (3)Speaking: ●Student book: p120(5)填空题 discussing opinions about a rally: p117(5) (4)Writing: ●Student book: p120(4)拼写 short diary entries about a car journey: p117(6)pairwork ●Workbook: p72(3)Imagine you are the best in the world at one sport. Describe your typical day. 5.SKILLS FOR LIFE (1)understanding non-verbal information ●Student book: p117(skills for life) 6.PRONUNCIATION (1)linking ●Student book: p117(4a) p117(4b) Links 扩展资源: Real communication & Exam listening p12-13 Interculture p32-33 Clil p54-55 单元重点:过去时被动语态;现在完成时被动语态;将来时被动语态;代词; 描述过去的事情;组织活动;团队合作;极限运动
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