朗阁首页 > 雅思培训 > 雅思题库 > 2020年5月30日朗阁雅思写作考题题库(二)


来源:网络2020-05-28 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦

Task 2 考题题库


Some people think that one of the best ways to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel and all vehicles.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



In response to ways that help address the fiercer environmental problems, many insist raising up the price of fuel and all vehicles. It appears to be a seemingly forceful idea that decreases the use of fossil fuels and vehicles, but after a second thought, we are able to figure out greater limits of this action than its availability. Therefore, I disagree with this idea.


Literally, to level up the price of energy and vehicles might help intensify their affordability so that fewer people would buy the vehicles. However, the fact is that cars are highly affordable for a considerable number of modern families, so this action would not trigger much attention from the public unless the increase in price is remarkable enough to be noticeable. As a result, the ultimate goal of this action would not be achieved, nor would it draw much public attention to the problems of environment. Further, if the price of fuel and vehicles is leveled up, the public would have to change their lifestyles, as a result of which people would probably hold negative attitude toward environmental protection. Therefore, the practice of increasing the fossil price and auto price would be counterproductive, not as brilliant as it is first sound.


If the government seriously thinks about achieving its goal of protecting environment, some other efficacious approaches are worth being adopted. Primarily, for the purpose of encouraging city dwellers to take public transportation more often, government should attach heavier weight to guarantee high availability and coverage of buses and subways, and improved comfort and speed of these modes of transport. When people get the convenience offered by public transport, naturally, they would abandon driving their cars. This way, there would be fewer amount of emissions of car exhaust gas on road. Another equally essential way to alleviate the environmental problems on road involves the realm of research and production of eco-friendly sources of energy and new energy vehicles. The technology that develops electric cars has already been available and is growing more mature. For the sake of persuading more people to choose electric cars that are both quieter and cleaner, government subsidy to manufacturers who produce new energy vehicles and to customers of these vehicles is a wise strategy.


In sum, it is vital to understand that the original intention of the practice that increases the price of fuel and all vehicles is stimulating. However, given its limits and difficult implementation, it is a wiser option to optimize public transportation and popularize new energy vehicles.


In many cities, planners tend to arrange shops, offices, and homes in specific areas and separate them from each other.

Do you think the advantages of this policy outweigh the disadvantages?



Urban planners believe that it is wise to divide cities into different parts, such as residential areas, business districts and school areas. In my opinion, this functional division is beneficial to both city dwellers and social development as a whole, but the problems associated with it should also be noted.


One of the most obvious advantages is that the construction of function-based areas effectively help citizens to avoid possible intervention from other regions. For example. staying far away from the hustle and bustle of CBD, university students lead a stable life by focusing on their schoolwork and extra-curricular activities. Another benefit is that clearly-defined zones would make resource sharing possible, thus enhance competitiveness in the areas. A case in point is that clustered industrial regions improve the quality of both products and services.


However, what we should acknowledge is that separation of functional areas also causes some problems. The main problem is that people find it inconvenient if they need to have daily travel. For instance, it is a great torture for workers who live far away from their workplaces to spend much time on commuting, which is time-wasting and exhausting. Another example can be found in school areas, a number of students have to take public transport back and forth to school. Furthermore, the concentrated areas would generate many kinds of pollution, such as noise, exhaust and plastics, all of which are detrimental to the environment.


In conclusion, despite some inconvenience, this new trend of urban planning is of great benefits because it facilitates people’s life and exerts a combined effect on city development.


Some people believe that people who read more books can develop more imagination and language skills than those who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Discuss both views and give your opinion.



It has been debated that whether reading more books can help people develop more imagination and language skills than watching TV. To a large extent, I believe that this question should receive a positive answer.


For one thing, words in books are one-dimensional while pictures in TV are three-dimensional. Which one can leave us more space of imagination? The answer is definitely the former. The more simple it is, the more imagination it provides. In addition, when reading books, you can get direct contact with the author of the book. By contrast, TV or films are always presented from the perspective of the director. In other words, what you get is not the first-hand information if you watch TV or films. Therefore, TV only reflects the imagination of the director but not yours.


For another, reading books especially reading loudly can effectively enhance children’s language skills. During my six years’ teaching period, I have found that students who have morning reading habit or are willing to spend 30 minutes reading loudly each day are always better at oral presentation than those who keep silent. On the contrary, I have discovered that students who are addicted to animation, computer games or other similar visual media are always too introverted and bashful to communicate with people around.


We can’t certainly deny benefits of TV. Comparatively speaking, TV is always more vivid and attractive with the help of motion pictures. Furthermore, there are different TV programmes for audience to spend their leisure time, such as sitcoms, TV dramas as well as game shows. Nevertheless, I still believe books outweigh TV in terms of developing imagination and language skills.












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