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来源:网络2019-04-01 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦



Contrary to... 与......相反

Contrary to the conventional practice of sending their kids to school, more and more parents today choose to educate their children themselves at home. (2016. 5)

Role model 榜样

While there may be some bad influences outside home, there are also many excellent people who could berole models for kids. (2016. 6)

Be supposed to... 理应做......

Traditionally, school students are supposed to respect their teachers, but in some schools nowadays, students are encouraged to judge, comment on, or even criticize their teachers. (2016.7)

To my mind 我认为

To my mind, if students are given the right to show their opinions about their teachers, especially about their teaching effectiveness, both the students and teachers will benefit. (2016. 7)

Be open to... 接受......

Also, if the teachers are open to their students' criticism, they will be able to understand what their students think, so they can give the kind of teaching that best suits the need of their students. (2016.8)

Be supportive of... 支持......

In conclusion, I am fully supportive of the right of the high school students to evaluate the teaching quality of their teachers, for it is beneficial to both the students and the teachers. (2016.8)

To mention only a few 如此等等

For instance, they can play computer games, watch videos, search for the information they need, and chat with their friends, to mention only a few. (2016.9)

For that matter 就此而言

Books, and education in general for that matter, are essential for them to live a better life. (2016.9)

Needless to say 不必说

Needless to say, becoming better than others often gives students strong motivations to study hard so that they can become better and better themselves. (2016.11)

At a loss 不知所措

Without enough communication with other students, these top students do not know how to get along with people around them and so when they go into job market where more cooperation is needed, they are often at a loss what to do. (2016.11)

Provide somebody with...给......提供......

Meanwhile, this wider choice of food provides people with better nutrition, which is definitely beneficial to their health. (2016. 17)

Chances are that... 有可能......

At the same time, it is still open to question whether those modified food will do harm to our body system.Chances are that they will, because they are not natural, after all. (2016.17)

Potential risks 潜在的风险

Though it has some potential risks to our health, those risks can well be minimized by our good judgment. (2016.18)

As long as 只要

As long as we try to avoid overeating, the wider choice and better quality of food brought over by food technology will be more a blessing than a curse to us human beings. (2016.18)

By the same token 同理;同样

By the same token, a Chinese local cultural performance has also to be altered in order to cater to the need of American tourists in China. (2016.20)

More often than not 经常

These alterations may of course, add some special flavor to the original traditions, but more often than not, they will ruin these traditions. (2016.20)

Call for 要求

As we know, preserving cultural traditions calls for heavy government budget, which is not always available. (2016.20)

Have access to... 可以使用,可以获得......

When we get online, for instance, we can not only get acquainted with the latest situation in the Middle East, but also have access to what has just happened in even the most remote countryside. (2016.23)

Give somebody a false impression that... 给某人一种错误印象

This is really bad because it gives children a false impression that they do not have to put serious efforts into their study. (2016.25)

Come across 遇到

A child who has been made to believe this kind of advertising will have a hard time when they come acrosstroubles in real life. (2016. 25)

State of the art 最新进展;最新状况

By reading science section, we can better understand the state-of-art technology in space exploration. (2016.27)

Have every reason to do... 有理由做......

However, many people are gradually losing their interest in news, for they have every reason to doubt the truthfulness of news. (2016.27)

Accuse somebody of... 指责某人做......

They often accuse the journalists of presenting the truth or reality in a wrong way so as to mislead the readers. (2016.27)

To have difficulty doing... 做......有困难

When offered a great variety of TV channels, one sitting in front of TV may have some difficulty deciding what to watch, yet this feeling is more a “sweet” bitterness, just like what we experience when we go into a supermarket and are at a loss about our choices. (2016.30)

Take ... into account 将......纳入考虑之中

If we take that factor into account, we may safely conclude that whether health care should be made free or not is dependent upon the people who receive it. (2016.36)

Far from enough 根本不够

Yet for such organisations as Bill Gates Charity Foundation whose money comes from the entire world, it is far from enough only to help Americans, although it is headquartered in the U.S. (2016.38)

Be of little use 没有什么用处

While many people think such a course is extremely useful, I think it is of very little use, if not at all, to parents who wish to give their children a better future. (2016.43)

In the interest of... 符合......的利益

While the century-old cities and towns may carry much cultural and historical value, they must be re-constructed in the interest of people living in them today. (2016.48)

With very few exceptions 鲜有例外

With very few exceptions, women are not possibly able to withstand the long hours of military exercises and drills. (2016.50)

Be at odds with... 与......冲突,格格不入

She may feel completely at odds with the rules and disciplines which are designed predominantly for men.(2016.51)

Bring...well under control 有效控制......

After discussing the advantages of this practice and its disadvantages, I come to believe televising criminal trials is a good thing as long as its negative effects are brought well under control. (2016.59)

A variety of... 多种多样的......

As we all know, meat provides a variety of nutrition that is difficult to obtain from vegetables and fruit.(2016.62)

For the sake of... 为了......

For the sake of human beings’ health, we need to balance our diet so that it contains both meat and vegetables. (2016.62)

In face of... 面临......

Then, in face of climate change, rather than trying to prevent it, we'd better try to find a way to live with it. (2016.66)

In the name of... 以......的名义

In the name of "development" and "civilisation", human beings have long ignored the interest of plants and animals. (2016.67)

Be dependent on... 取决于......

Our own existence is so dependent on the plants and animals around us that if they die, we will die, too.(2016.68)

Put...at the top of agenda 优先考虑......

People did not focus on planting trees back then, not that they did not understand the importance of a healthy environment, but that they found they should put survival at the top of their agenda. (2016.70)

Find their way into... 进入......

Just 50 years ago, to own a car was quite a luxury, but today, cars have found their way into many households. (2016.72)

Attribute ... to... 把......归因于......

Many experts, for instance, attributes the worsening air quality in big cities to the cars’ exhaust gas emission and the dust that rises after them. (2016.73)













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