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来源:网络2018-12-24 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦




  一,In some cities, there are few controls over the design and construction of new homes and office buildings, so people can build in whatever style they like. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages ?



  Since diversity has arisen a fierce discussion among the group who wants to be different from others, and the distinctive aesthetics is being chased by more people, especially in some modern metropolises, which is reflected in the design of most building. I believe this can bring both benefits and drawbacks to the development of the cities.

  The freedom of selecting the styles could make the society more diverse, which can embrace a variety of artists to come in and decorate the city with their talents; such phenomenon would be an effective way to promote the development of local culture and stimulate the competition between different artistic groups to inspire a more prospective cultural atmosphere. Besides, conducting the certain style in our buildings can be regarded as a release of our nature and personalities, about which most young people care in the modern world. And no one can deny that the sense of satisfaction brought by living in the building with our preference would not be replaced by other things.

  However, the disadvantages in the society are looming. Nowadays, the city planners pursue a unified style in constructing an area, and the top concern for them is whether the new buildings could fit in the old ones, which might make the city look better in general, but contradicts the thoughts of former group mentioned. In addition, if a great number of styles were applied, it would have been harder and increased the cost for the later work of protection and maintenance.

  In conclusion, what kind of styles people choose has both advantages and disadvantages, and the government should take different views into consideration, because to make our city better is the mutual purpose; to a certain extent, it can bring positive and unexpected results to give residents some freedom to meet their demands.

  二,  Some people think that schools should select their pupils according to their academic ability. Others believe that young people with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.



  Nowadays, how parents can provide better education for their children has need discussed widely, and with the development of educational form, more alternatives could be selected. Taking the difference between children in to consideration, some experts also believe that children with special talents should be taught separately, which I think can be a combination with the traditional mixed education.

  No one would doubt the effectiveness of teaching students together, by which the youth can learn from others' strong points to offset one's weakness, especially when cultivating some social skills; besides, the demand of cooperation can be met in this kind of class, where students have the opportunity to conduct team work, and the ability gained from these activities can be useful in their future career. Not only students can benefit, but also the education system. Though the mixed education model, the compulsory courses can be applied around the country to guarantee the equity and quality of education for kids from different areas.

  However, the unique academic level of the individual cannot be ignored. Because of the various factors, including the influence of background, the mental development and so forth, we can find it obvious why students perform differently in studying, and realize the fact that the differences require the education system can identify and categorize students into specific level to provide personal training, which can be a helpful way to stimulate students' development in their interests and strengths.

  In conclusion, both ways are efficient and carry the good experience from parents and the society for the younger generation. In my opinion, it is worth considering to find a balance between putting them into practice under certain circumstances.













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