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雅思口语考试第一部分 IELTS Speaking Part 1

来源:网络2021-04-15 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦

Hi there, my name is Kara and in today's lesson we'll be looking at speaking part 1 of the IELTS. So first of all, you should note that in order to do well on the IELTS speaking parts, you will need to use a wide range of vocabulary to talk about various topics, such as food, travel, home, accommodation, and the like.


You will also need to be able to use grammar correctly in your speaking answer, particularly using correct tenses to talk about the past, the present, and the future Finally, your speaking answer should be fluent and your pronunciation needs to be clear.

你还需要能够在口语回答中正确使用语法,特别是用正确的时态来谈论过去、现在,和将来。 最后,你的口语回答应该流利,你的发音要清晰。

So basically, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and pronunciation of the four keys to your success in the IELTS speaking. Throughout our speaking lesson series, you'll learn important training exercises tips and strategies to help you improve all four skills.


So make sure you subscribe to get the latest IELTS speaking lessons. Okay, in today's lesson, we're going to learn some basics on IELTS speaking part one.


First, we'll look at how part 1 works. Then we'll look at how to fully answer a part 1 question.


So let's get started. So let's talk about part 1.


Part 1 lasts between four to five minutes and is the easiest speaking part. The examiner will introduce themselves.


Then you will introduce yourself. For example, hello, my name is Cara and I'll be interviewing you today.


Hi, my name is Emily. Nice to meet you.


This is followed with about eight to ten questions about yourself. And there will be around two to three different topics.


These questions aren't that difficult. Here are some examples of what the examiner could ask you.


Let's say the examiner asks you about your country. They might ask you what your country is famous for or are you planning to live there in the future?


Then the examiner might ask you about your accommodations. Maybe they will ask you: is there anything you would like to change about the place you live in or do you plan to live there for a long time?


These are just some examples. There are many other topics and questions that you could be asked about, like work, what you study, your friends, your hobbies, anything along those lines.


Think of part one like small talk between two people. The examiner is just getting to know you.


Though part one is more laid-back than parts two and three, this doesn't mean you should totally blow it off. You still need to prepare or you could be caught off guard.


Okay, that's all there is to part one. Let's move on and talk about how to give a full answer to IELTS speaking part one questions.


As a general rule, a good answer is about three to five sentences. Unprepared test takers give answers that have fewer than three sentences.


That's not good. Remember, you're here to prove you can speak English, so you need to give the examiner long answers in order for them to grade you.


Let's look at an example. In this example, two students give answers to the same question.


What kind of food do you like to eat? Student B's answer is way too short and vague while student A's answer is longer and has more information.

你喜欢吃哪种食物?B 学生的答案太短太模糊了,而 A 学生的答案更长,信息量更大。

Because of this, even if both students English levels are the same, student A's answer received a much higher score. Now you might ask how to give a longer answer?

因此,即使两个学生的英语水平是一样的,A 学生的答案得分更高。那么你可能会问如何给出更长的答案。

Actually, it's pretty easy. There are five techniques you can use to extend your answers: providing reasons, providing examples, providing detail, talking about the past or the future, and making speculations.


The only way to master these five techniques is to practice them. In some cases, you want to provide reasons while in others, you'll want to provide examples.


You'll need to train your brain to recognize which technique will be used simply by the question being asked. Now let's take a closer look at these five techniques.


Let's start off our techniques with providing reasons. Providing a reason is a great way to make your answer longer and more detailed.


You can use phrases like because, as, the reason why, since, and thanks to in your speaking responses. Let's listen to some IELTS speaking part 1 questions and simple answers that provide reasons.

你可以在你的口语回答中使用像 because,as,the reason why,since,和 thanks to 这样的短语。我们来听一些雅思口语考试第一部分的试题和说明了原因的简短答案。

As you listen, you can repeat what you heard or pause the video and practice by providing your own answer to the question. I am really into swimming, so I like to swim in my free time.


I suppose this is thanks to the influence of my parents who both like swimming. My favorite TV programs are dramas, since I don't have to think too much when I watch them.


They're a little overdramatic at times, but that's part of the fun. I like watching films with my family and friends, because afterwards we can talk about our favorite parts and figure out what we think the plot was about.


My favorite teacher in high school was my English teacher. The reason why she was my favorite teacher is that she taught very well and spent time making sure we understood new words.


I enjoyed several subjects, but the one I liked the most was probably science. I put my love of science down to the fact that I grew up in a family where my parents loved science and I was taught to have an inquiring mind.


All right, I hope you found this technique easy. Now, let's move on to the second technique, providing examples.


Providing examples is another great way to make your answer longer. To give an example, you can say for example, for instance, take something for as an example, a case in point is.

举例子是另一种让你的答案更长的好方法。举例子的时候你可以说,for example,for instance,take something for as an example,a case in point is。

Again, let's listen to some example questions and answers. Yes, I like to keep fit.


I am keen on sports. For instance, I play basketball every week and use the gym whenever I have the chance.


Yes, I really do. Take learning English as an example, I love reading English magazines and listening to English podcasts.


Well, my least favorite thing about it is that there aren't too many fun things to do or see. A case in point is that shopping centers and restaurants close too early.


I mostly listen to music on my phone with headphones. For example, when I take the train, I like to listen to something to pass the time.


Okay, now let's look at the third technique, providing detail. Whenever you are asked a question that asks you to describe something, which I call descriptive questions, you can provide details in your speaking answers.


Here are some common descriptive questions, such as tell me about your hometown, tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in, tell me about the favorite shop you often go to, and the like. Let's listen to the sample answers.


My hometown Delhi is the second-largest in India. The capital of the country, New Delhi is also there.


There is an International Airport in Delhi, so it's easy to travel in and out of the country from there. It's a bookshop near where I live.


It's on the Main Street. I often go in there to browse and have a look through all the books they have.


You know, it was about a year ago now, but I still remember it fairly well. My first day of work was slightly hectic and overwhelming and I actually made a lot of mistakes.


Fortunately, my co-workers and supervisor were patient with me and I got through it okay. Things that work improves quite a bit once I learned my way around.


Okay, moving along to our next technique, talking about the past or the future. So basically, you can use this technique if the question is asking about your current situation or is asking you if you have done something before.


A typical question would be: who do you live with now? If you just say I live with my parents, you'll get a low score, because it is far too short.


What you can do is make the answer longer, is to also talk about who you lived with in the past or who are you going to live with in the future. So a longer answer can be: I live with my parents and my older brother now, but I used to live with my younger brother three years ago when we went to the same college.


All right, let's look at more examples. I am currently living in Delhi which is the second most populated city in India.


I've lived there for a couple of years, but I used to live in Bangalore, which is also a big city in southern India. No. Not at the moment.


I am unemployed now, but I am planning to apply for some internship positions this summer. Hopefully, things will change soon.


No, I've never been to a concert before, but I think I will. Concerts are always happening around where I live, so I will try to go check them out when I can.


Finally, let's talk about the last technique, making speculations. If you encounter a question which you don't have a definite answer to, you have a wonderful opportunity to make a speculation.


Consider this question. Do you think you'll ever live in another country?


If you're not sure whether you'll ever live in another country, you could use the phrase like I suppose. For example, I suppose I'd be happy to leave my country, if I was offered a cool job abroad.


Notice the sentence pattern is I suppose I'd do this, if I was in this situation. This is the conditional type 2.

请注意句型是我想我会这样做,如果我处在这种情况中。这是 2 型条件句。

It is used to talk about a hypothetical situation. The conditional type 2 is built like this: subject+would, could, might+verb, if+subject and simple past.

它被用来谈论假设的情况。2 型条件句的组成是这样的:主语 + would, could, might + 动词,如果 + 主语 + 一般过去时。

If you can use the conditional type 2 correctly in your answer, it will really help boost your score on the IELTS speaking exam, as you demonstrate fantastic grammar. Okay, now let's listen to some example answers that make speculations and use the conditional type 2.

如果你在回答中正确使用了 2 型条件句,那么它会大大增加你在雅思口语考试中的得分,因为你展示了出色的语法。好的,现在我们来听一些进行了推测并使用了 2 型条件句的示例答案。

Pay attention to the highlighted words which are used to make a speculation. I suppose I'd be happy to leave my country, if I was offered a job abroad that was interesting.


Hmm, I doubt whether I'll ever go there, but I'd love to go to Africa to see the wild nature. Right now I don't have money for vacation.


If I had more money, I'd probably go with my girlfriend. You know, that's a tricky one.


It would probably be working as a software engineer in Google if I managed to pass Google's interview. You know, that's that's a good question.


Let me see. . . I would say I am, but that depends on what it means to be polite. I think being polite means respecting others and I try my best to do that.


Okay, that's the end of today's video and remember, practice makes perfect. You can go to our website at bestmytest. com/ielts to practice more IELTS part 1 speaking questions and improve your speaking by listening to sample responses by native speakers.

好的,今天的视频就到这里,请记住,熟能生巧。你可以访问我们的网站 bestmytest. com/ielts 练习更多雅思口语考试第一部分的题目并通过听母语者的范例回答来提高口语水平。

I hope you enjoyed this video. Feel free to leave comments and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on social media for even more.

我希望你喜欢这个视频。请随时发表评论,别忘了订阅我们的 YouTube 频道,并在社交媒体上关注我们以获取更多内容。

Thank you for watching and see you next time.













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