朗阁首页 > 雅思培训 > 雅思口语 > 2019年9-12月雅思口语题库(三)


来源:网络2019-09-11 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦



  Part 3

  Do you think cars are a daily necessity?

  What will cars look like in the future?

  Is driving a skill that everybody must learn?

  What are the downsides of having a car?

  11. taught an older person 教老年人

  Describe a time when you taught an older person something new

  You should say:

  When it happened

  Who you taught

  Why you taught this person

  And explain how you felt about it

  Part 3

  Do you think old people know more things than young people?

  Is it easy for old people to use new technology?

  Why do some old people refuse to use new technology?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages for old people to use smart phone?

  12. Online shopping 网购

  Describe a good experience of online shopping

  You should say:

  When it happened

  What you bought

  Why you bought it

  And explain why you think it was a good experience

  Part 3

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?

  Do you think it is safe to shop online?

  Do you think government should impose more control on online shopping?

  13. spent a lot of money 花钱

  Describe a time that you spent a lot of money on something

  You should say:

  When you spent the money

  What you bought

  Where you bought it

  And explain why you spent a lot of money on it

  Part 3

  Why do people save money?

  Do you think rich people are happier than those who are not rich?

  Do you think children should learn money management?

  Why do many people apply for credit cards nowadays?

  14. Subjects or work an advice 工学建议

  Describe an advice you received on your subjects or work

  You should say:

  What it was

  Who you received it from

  What you did after receiving it

  And how you felt about it

  Part 3

  Why do so many young people choose communication and media studies as their major?

  Why do young people find it hard to make career choices?

  15. visited a friend 拜访朋友

  Describe an experience that you visited a friend

  You should say:

  Who you visited

  What you did

  Why you visited him or her

  And how you felt about it

  Part 3

  What social skills can you learn from communicating with other people?

  Do you prefer hanging out with a big or small group of friends?

  16. Celebrated your achievement 庆祝成就

  Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement

  You should say:

  What you did

  When you celebrated it

  Who you celebrated it with

  And how you felt about it

  Part 3

  How do Chinese people celebrate their family events?

  Is there anything different from other countries?

  Why is it important for sports fans to celebrate when their favorite team wins?

  Do people prefer winning in a team or on their own?

  17. The happiest day 开心的一天

  Describe the happiest day you had

  You should say:

  Where you were

  Who you were with

  What you did

  And explain why you think it was the happiest day

  18. the first time 初见某人的时刻

  Describe a time when you met someone for the first time

  You should say:

  Where you met him or her

  When met him or her

  What you talked about

  And how you felt about it













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    1、雅思 如何训练英语口语雅思口语练习方法:1。口腔训练是提高雅思口语水平的第一步。2、雅思口语训练技巧1.大胆的口腔训练。因此,专业的雅思口语技能指导和总结是非常重要的。一些候选人通过背诵一些段落或说英语来训练自己,但这并不是很有效。

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