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来源:网络2019-08-15 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦


怎么进行<a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/newsclass/detail/120316'>雅思词汇量</a>测试?

  1. At the eleventh hour

  A. I always turned my term papers in at the eleventh hour.

  B. It’s eleventh hour, time for bed!

  2. Chatterbox

  A. He is a chatterbox, I never saw the image of him without talking.

  B. Having a chatterbox around is a happy thing, cuz everyone enjoys a moment of peace.

  3. Pour cold water on

  A. Pouring cold water on the things you don’t like is so childish.

  B. My mom seems to be crazy every time I pour cold water on her plants.

  4. Cook the books

  A. An independent audit showed that they had been cooking the books for years.

  B. School nerds would devote themselves cooking the books all night long.

  5. Pull someone's leg

  A. She was extremely shocked until she realized he was just pulling her leg.

  B. The leg of this show had been pulled, everyone got upset.

  6. Be a weight off shoulders

  A. You are not trying to help. You are just playing around! What a weight off the shoulder!

  B. If you could take over the job of organizing the party, that would be a tremendous weight off my shoulders.

  7. Break the bank

  A. Breaking the bank is counted robbery.

  B. John knew that renting the ocean view apartment would break the bank, so he settled for a smaller apartment.

  8. The salt of the earth

  A. They are the salt of the earth, so they won’t tell you what the truth is.

  B. They are the salt of the earth, so they would tell you exactly what the truth is.

  9. Have an ace up one’s sleeve

  A. Jack has an ace up his sleeve, that’s the main reason why he lost his job!

  B. Jack got this job cus he has an ace up his sleeve.

  10. Salad days

  A. When I am tracing back of my salad days, it was all about various vegetables that I was eating.

  B .Looking back on those salad days always makes me smile.

  11. Cold fish

  A. She hardly ever speaks to anyone. She’s a cold fish.

  B. We would love to have Jack as friend. Cold fishes are always friendly and warm-hearted.

  12. Busybody

  A. He is a total busybody, no one likes him.

  B. His company has its peak season, which makes him a super busybody.

  13. To lose one’s shirt

  A. I lost my shirt because I knew nothing about real estate at that time.

  B. Team A lost its shirt to Team B, so now we might be seeing the champion.

  14. All in one piece

  A. The package was handled carelessly, but the case inside arrived all in one piece.

  B. Negotiations have broken down, and it’s back to all in one piece.

  15. Gravy train

  A. This kind of job is a real gravy train.















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