
2021-10-19 11:54:54 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编






Today I would like to share with you ……今天我想和你分享的是

…… I would like to describe is ……我想要描述的是

When it comes to ……,……will be the first one come up into my mind……当提及到……,我首先想到的是……


Personally, I consider …… is more attractive / important/ feasible 我认为……更加有吸引力(重要/可行)

Honestly speaking,…… is not my cup of tea ……不是我喜欢的事情

Compared with A, I surely have a special liking for B 和……对比, 我喜欢……


I am a beneficiary of …… 我是……的受益者

Sth have a deep influence on my ……,……对于我的……有深刻影响


when I am under huge pressure 在我压力很大的时候

when I am fed up with my life 在我厌倦生活的时候

enjoy the closeness to nature 享受亲近大自然

I have a burning desire to lead a more positive and healthy life 我十分渴望过更加健康积极的生活

instead of living a sedentary lifestyle 不应该过一种久坐的生活

…… is not my cup of tea ……不是我喜欢的运动】

when I feel weary in body and mind 在我感动身心疲惫的时候

…… is a good way to relax my body and ease mind my mind 有效的放松身心的方式


My philosophy of life is to help people around me 我人生的哲学就是帮助我周围的人

a day without friendship is like a day without sunshine 没哟友谊的一天就是没有阳光的一天

a friend in need is a friend is deed 患难见真情


mould my temperament 陶冶我的情操

enlarge my view of life 拓宽视野

…… really arouse my sympathy ……引起我的共鸣

…… is a meaty book ……是一本内容丰富的书籍

travel in the ocean of books 畅游书海

enlarge my scope of knowledge 拓宽知识面

deepen my understanding about life and myself 加深我对于生活和自我的洞察

……is thought-provoking ……非常令人思考

……kindle my special interest in …… 点燃我的在……方面的兴趣

…… can stimulate you vivid imagination …… 可以激发你的丰富的想象力


to smell the flowers 偷得余生半日闲

Like many of you, I am looking forward to spending the holiday with my family and friends 像你们很多人一样,我也期待着和我的老友和加人一起度假

expand my mind 开拓视野

Self-travel provides me with an gold chance to escape the crowds 自由行给我*了原理喧嚣的机会

The more you explore this world, the rich your life will be 你经历的越多,你的生命就越丰富

Travel helps me escape from the routine of my everyday life 旅行帮助我远离日常生活轨迹

This is somewhere I always desire to do some sightseeing 这就是我想要旅行的地方

The choice of entertainment there is enormous 哪里可以娱乐的方式很多留学话题

I dream of improving my competence through study overseas 我想通过海外留学*我的能力

Studying aboard may also impose much pressure upon a person economically 出国留学可能会给人带来很大的经济压力

Many young students might be faced with great mental difficulty after they are sent abroad and faced with a new environment. 许多年轻的学生被送到国外后,面对新的环境,心理上可能会产生很大的障碍

I am crazy about English fluency, I hope I can speak English as well as those native speakers do 希望可以说英语像外国人一样流利


It is quite amusing to see their performance 看他们的表演很有意思


lead a disciplined life 过一种规律的生活

sth is high in nutritional value ……的营养价值很高

keep fit = remain healthy *持健康

change one's eating habit 改变饮食习惯

strengthen one's immune system 增强免疫力


sb is a aster learner = sb is a quick learner 学习东西很快的人

sb is highly intelligent person 高智商的人

I really admire his …… 很欣赏他的……

his …… is my envy 我很羡慕他的……

sb is born to be a …… 某人天生就是……(可以是讲故事高手;文学天才;体育健将;乐器表演者)

I am really amazed by one’s willing to learn new staff 学习新事物的热情令我惊讶





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