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来源:网络2018-12-26 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦





Elements of the Philosophy of Newton, published by Voltaire in 1738, was an early attempt to popularize the scientific ideas of Isaac Newton. In the book’s frontispiece, Voltaire is seen writing at his desk, and over him a shaft of light from heaven, the light of truth, passes through Newton to Voltaire’s collaborator Madame du Chatelet; she reflects that light onto the inspired Voltaire. Voltaire’s book commanded a wide audience, according to Feingold, because “he was neither a mathematician nor a physicist, but a literary giant aloof from the academic disputes over Newtonian ideas.” In other words, Voltaire’s amateurism in science “was a source of his contemporary appeal, demonstrating for the first time the accessibility of Newton’s ideas to nospecialists.”

首先这篇文章总共就三句话,但是由于后两句话都属于长难句,所以导致了文章的长度看起来不止三句;其次,这三句话都是围绕了共同的主题,也就是一个叫做Voltaire的人写了一本有关于牛顿哲学的书叫做Elements of the Philosophy of Newton。


Which of the following statements about Voltaire’s Elements of the Philosophy of Newton can be inferred from the passage?

A Voltaire’s literary stature helped secure a large audience for this attempt to popularize Newton’s ideas.

B Voltaire’s status as a nonscientist was an advantage in this effort to bring Newtonian science to the attention of the general public.

C The frontispiece of the book implies that Voltaire’s understanding of Newton’s ideas was not achieved without assistance.


A选项的定位词就是标记颜色的literary stature对应文章里的词也就标记同色的literary giant, large audience对应文章里的词就是对应同色的wide audience,所以此时基本确定A选项定位点就在这里,那么考生们接下来只需要比较两句话意思是否一致。原句Voltaire’s book commanded a wide audience, according to Feingold, because “he was neither a mathematician nor a physicist, but a literary giant aloof from the academic disputes over Newtonian ideas.”(Voltaire的书能够控制大批读者的原因就是他既不是一个数学家,也不是一个物理学家,而是一个远离学术界争议的文学家。)A选项的大意是“Voltaire的文学地位可以他有大批的读者,从而有利于他普及牛顿的观点”。两句话意思几乎一致,所以A选项正确。

B选项的定位词就是标记颜色的nonscientist对应文章里的词就是标记同色的amateurism in science。比较两句话的意思,文中定位句Voltaire’s amateurism in science “was a source of his contemporary appeal, demonstrating for the first time the accessibility of Newton’s ideas to nonspecialists.”(Voltaire在科学界的业余人士身份却是一个对于当代人的一个吸引,因为第一次表明了牛顿的观点可以被非专业人士所理解)。B选项的大意为“Voltaire作为一个非科学家是一种优势,能够把牛顿的科学带到人们的视野之下”。两句话意思几乎一致,所以B选项也正确。

C选项的定位词就是标记颜色的frontispiece对应文章里的词就是原词。文中定位句:In the book’s frontispiece, Voltaire is seen writing at his desk, and over him a shaft of light from heaven, the light of truth, passes through Newton to Voltaire’s collaborator Madame du Chatelet; she reflects that light onto the inspired Voltaire.(在这本书的扉页上,伏尔泰被看到伏案在桌前,在他的头顶上有一束来自于天堂的光,这是一束真理之光,这束真理之光先是从牛顿传递给了伏尔泰的合作者Chatelet女士,然后再由这位女士将光传递给了被启发的伏尔泰。)C选项的意思是“在没有帮助的情况下伏尔泰对于牛顿观点的理解是不可能实现的”。换言之,伏尔泰必须要借助于文中所说的Chatelet女士的帮助才能读懂牛顿哲学。所以C也正确。


Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in classical composition, an approach that had been in hibernation in the United States during the 1960s, composer Philip Glass (born 1937) embraced the ethos of popular music in his compositions. Glass based two symphonies on music by rock musicians David Bowie and Brian Eno, but the symphonies’ sound is distinctively his. Popular elements do not appear out of place in Glass’s classical music, which from its early days has shared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock music. Yet this use of popular elements has not made Glass a composer of popular music. His music is not a version of popular music packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock rather than the classics.

首先这个短篇阅读总共5句话。这五句话讨论的核心内容主要是围绕一个叫Philip Glass的音乐家在他的古典乐创作中融入了一些流行乐的元素以及这样的尝试对于音乐家本人以及他的作品有没有影响。


The passage addresses which of the following issues related to Glass’s use of popular elements in his classical compositions?

A How it is regarded by listeners who prefer rock to the classics?

B How it has affected the commercial success of Glass’s music?

C Whether it has contributed to a revival of interest among other composers in using popular elements in their compositions?

D Whether it has had a detrimental effect on Glass’s reputation as a composer of classical music?

E Whether it has caused certain of Glass’s works to be derivative in quality?


A选项的定位词就是listeners, 我们可以通过它定位文章的最后一句话,His music is not a version of popular music packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock rather than the classics.(他的音乐没有变成流行音乐的版本从而为了吸引古典乐听众;他的音乐是一种很高的艺术对于沉浸在摇滚乐当中的听众而不是古典乐中的听众来说)。接下来再看看A选项的意思“Glass融合两种音乐的做法如何被那些选择摇滚乐而不是古典乐的听众们所看待?”很多学生都选择了这个选项,主要原因是他们觉得high art就是听众们的态度。但是,仔细观察原文定位句这句话其实是站在作者的角度发出的,也就是作者认为Glass的这种做法对于摇滚乐的听众来说是一种high art,但是A选项问题其实是站在听众的角度,也就是听众自己的看法,所以原文和选项的态度发出者不同,一个是作者,一个是listeners.

B选项的定位词是commercial success,这个定位词在文中根本没有出现过,所以B选项错。

C选项的定位词是revival of interest among other composers,可以定位到文中第一句,Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in classical composition, an approach that had been in hibernation in the United States during the 1960s, composer Philip Glass (born 1937) embraced the ethos of popular music in his compositions. 首先这句话有个现在分词结构做伴随状语,并且reviving这个动作的发出者为后面句子的主语composer Philip Glass,分词部分的意思是“一种把流行乐要素融入到古典乐创作当中的行为复兴了”,接下来看到了一个同位语an approach that had been in hibernation in the United States during the 1960s(这种做法在60年代处于冬眠状态),最后句子主干composer Philip Glass (born 1937) embraced the ethos of popular music in his compositions.(一个叫Philip Glass的作曲家提倡把流行乐融入到他的创作当中去)。看完整句话的意思后大家会发现并没有提到C选项里的among other composers对于其他音乐家的影响,所以C选项错误。

D选项里的定位词detrimental effect和reputation在文章中根本没有出现,所以错误。

E选项的定位词是derivative in quality,整句话的意思是“Glass的做法是否会让他的音乐作品在品质上变成一种衍生物(其实就是变成流行乐的衍生物)”。我们可以找到这个问题的答案就在文中这句话里Glass based two symphonies on music by rock musicians David Bowie and Brian Eno, but the symphonies’ sound is distinctively his.并且答案主要是后半句,后半句说他的交响乐还是属于他自己独一无二的风格,所以就相当于对E选项的问题进行了否定回答。最后答案就是选择E。





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