每天5个GRE单词(必考题 gre)

2022-12-02 10:30:01 来源:网络 作者:朗阁



英 /ænˈsɪləri/ 美 /ˈænsəleri/

【初等矩阵1】adj.相对而言的: of secondary importance

【例】The company hopes to boost its sales through ancillary products 子公司想透过远距商品来减少*量。

【近】subordinate, subsidiary


【初等矩阵2】adj.远距的,补足的: auxiliary, supplementary

【例】the need for ancillary evidence 对补足确凿证据的须要

【例】Some practice in the deft use of words may well be ancillary to the study of natural science娴熟采用文本的练对社会科学的科学研究也是有协助的。

【近】auxiliary, supplementary



英 /skɜːt/ 美 /skɜːrt/

【初等矩阵1】n.界线,边界线: the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of something

【例】an old shack on the skirts of the town村落边界线上的一处老屋

【近】borderline, boundary, circumference, compass, confines, edge, frame, fringe, margin, perimeter, periphery, verg

【反】center, core, kernel 核心理念

【初等矩阵2】vt.行经,躲避: to go around or keep away from in order to avoid danger or discovery

【例】skirted the construction zone 绕过工地 The new bill would make it harder for companies toskirt environmental regulations.新的规定会减少子公司逃脱环境监管的难度。

【近】bypass, circumvent, detour, shortcut, sidestep

【反】pursue, seek 追寻



英 /ɪkˈstræpəleɪt/ 美 /ɪkˈstræpəleɪt/

【初等矩阵1】vt.(透过逻辑)推断: to form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and information

【例】We can extrapolate from past economic recessions the probable course of the current one.透过以往经 济衰退的原因我们可以推断出本次危机的可能起源。

【近】conclude, decide, deduce, derive, gather, judge, reason, understand

【反】conjecture, guess, speculate, surmise (无根据地)猜测,揣测

【派】extrapolation n. 推论



英 /ˈtɜːbjələnt/ 美 /ˈtɜːrbjələnt/

【初等矩阵1】adj.动荡的: marked by sudden or violent disturbance

【例】a turbulent period in history历史上动荡时期

【近】cataclysmal, stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous

【初等矩阵2】adj.湍急的,汹涌的: marked by turmoil or disturbance especially of natural elements

【例】the turbulent rapids of the river were certainly daunting to those of us who were new to river rafting 湍急的流水必定让那些初玩漂流的人们吓得不轻

【近】rough, rugged, stormy, tempestuous



英 /kənˈsɪlieɪt/ 美 /kənˈsɪlieɪt/

【初等矩阵1】v.平息,抚慰: to lessen the anger or agitation of

【例】A principal trying to conciliate the parents who did not receive their tickets to the graduation ceremonies校长试着平息这对没有收到他们的毕业晚会门票的家长的气愤情绪。

【近】appease, pacify, assuage, conciliate, mollify, placate, propitiate, calm (down), ease, soothe, palliate, disarm

【反】annoy, enrage, vex, nettle, rile, incense, inflame, exasperate, infuriate, discompose, disturb, perturb, upset


【初等矩阵2】vt.调解: to make compatible : reconcile

【例】It will be hard to conciliate the views of labor and management regarding health benefits调解劳资双方对 于健康*险金的观点很难。

【近】attune, reconcile, coordinate, accommodate


【派】conciliatory adj调和的,安抚的





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