朗阁首页 > 头条资讯 > 考前指南 > [雅思培训]2014年雅思口语8月总结& 9月题库

[雅思培训]2014年雅思口语8月总结& 9月题库

来源:网络 2014-08-25 编辑:雅思培训小编 雅思托福0元试学



朗阁江苏海外考试口语部部长 庆相宜


Sth. you like to do with an old person in your family

A restaurant you like

A subject you like to give information to others

A magazine you enjoy reading

An intelligent person you know

A foreign language you want to learn (not English)

An important historical building

A neighbor you helped

An interesting country (not your own)

An important letter/email you wrote

A time you have to share sth. with others

A positive experience when you were a teenager

A gift you received when you were a child

Sth. you forgot to do

A time you were very busy

A school you studied in when you were a child

A time when someone took a good photo of you

An interesting animal

A family celebration you enjoy

An old object in your family

A time you met an old friend

A time you left home

A beautiful place you want to have a home

Sth. you like to read

Sth. special you took home from your holiday

A school friend

A time you helped others

A famous person from another country you want to meet

Your first cell phone

A movie you dislike

A comic actor you know

A person with an interesting job

A piece of useful advice you received





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