朗阁首页 > 头条资讯 > 一周下载 > 2014年5月雅思口语精选话题


来源:网络 2014-05-09 编辑:PMC_Randy 雅思托福0元试学



  1. Describe something that you bought but not use very often

  2. Describe a wedding you have attended

  3. Describe a piece of advice someone ever gave you

  4. Describe a film you enjoyed

  5. Describe something you shared with other people

  6. Describe a neighbor you ever helped

  7. Describe a indoor game in your childhood

  8. Describe a famous person in a country (not your own)

  9. Describe your first cell phone

  10. Describe a family celebration that you have attended

  11. Describe a popular law in your country

  12. Describe a festival that is important in your country

  13. Describe a school where you studied in your childhood

  14. Describe a kind of flower you like

  15. Describe a foreign country you like to visit at the first time

  16. Describe a city you have ever visited

  17. Describe a language except English that you want to learn

  18. Describe a piece of equipment that you don''t know how to use





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